
Yellow headed blackbird

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Tom Thumb Blues

I started out on burgundy but soon I hit the harder stuff...
Bob Dylan

It's coming up on 2:oo a.m.and we are still coming down off our Screw the Depression party. It was very successful but incredibly crowded. Plus the room was very hot. People drank like fish. Close to 60 bottles or more I think.

Ended up drinking Bushmills with some crazy people. Thanks to everyone who came out. The party was an interesting shift and mix of old and young. Rich and poor and in between. There was a late entry that phase shifted the thing into the wee hours. Some people came that have been buffeted about by the winds of economic misfortune. We all commiserated. Usually I end up with about 20 more wine bottles than I started with after these affairs. Now the cupboard is near bare.

Leslie had the belly dancers at Caravan. The Blue Heron Gallery featured an excellent twelve string guitar player Doug Danker performing and then a couple of funky memphis type cats from a gospel church. People were getting hammered on the sidewalk out front for hours as the cops slowly drove past. Pretty insane.

I even sold some paintings today so it might be a tragedy narrowly averted. Pala Casino catered the steak and giant shrimp dinner for the wine and a bite portion. Robert, the executive chef, was a gas. Orizaba wine donated a lot of good red for the tasting. A lot of people came in that had never seen the gallery before and no one had ever seen it this clean - I have been quite the domestic the last several days.

Thanks to all who came and played and partied with us. Catch the rest of you on the next go round. Everyone seemed quite happy and I kept hearing how my parties are mas mejor. Best group of people, I know...

Leslie and I cleaned up after we finally flushed the last stragglers out. Tomorrow I finish up. We just split a quesadilla and it's sayonara time.

Robert - going to bed.

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