
Yellow headed blackbird

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Anonymous said...

Boredom will set in. You'll be back.

NYSTAN said...

did you forget to add the copy? Did someone die??
Are you practicing some oddball cult ritual or worse, are you announcing your birthday???
Jeez.....as for the loss of privacy in the govt, it was inevitable. As I have repeatedly explained to all of my conspiracy theorist pals, the government is the most inefficient over staffed institution in the world. The very idea that a cadre of clever intellectuals are really pulling the strings is ludicrous when we learn that the ultimate clandestines, Cheney and Runnie ultimately kept nothing really secret. Many years ago, I did a portrait of a whistleblower in DC. He was making noise about the GAO and how they gave away valuable assets. He had, for instance, some epoxy made for Discovery that costs 750 bucks a gallon. He bought ten gallone. It had a very high silver content and all he did was place the goop in his surplus KILN that he had bought for ten bucks (it was new) and incinerated the resins and paint, ending up, in the end, with some real nice bars of pure silver. Around 800 bucks worth. He paid five bucks a gallon. He also owned the nightscope from an Abrams tank that cost the taxpayers 15 thousand dollars. He bought that device for 150 bucks. the list goes on.
But the best thing he had, was when he bought a bunch of file cabinets that had been in an office in the White House. When he got home and took them apart to clean, he discovered a complete set of blueprints to the White House. He took them, placed them into an envelope and mailed them to President Bush One with a note. His payback was to be banned on attending govt auctions!
Anyway, who amongst us knows anyone who went into civil service? I actually never know anyone, but from what I have seen, it is rare that any A listers choose to live and work in beaurocratic(?) circles of govt. other than West Pointers, who are one group of smart sons of bitches.
If the govt wants to be more secure, they should hire some nerds from Bill Gates.

NYSTAN said...

sorry-meant to read that the blueprints were for the WHITE HOUSE SECURITY SYSTEM!

Anonymous said...

You pussy, haven't you learned anything yet? Look at the history of blogging, because what's happened to has also happens to many other bloggers. Hiatus, take a step back, perspective point of view. So dramatic you are. Doesn't have to be so abrasive share as you will don't set up stupid preconditions, whatever what the fuck

Anonymous said...

See you on Twitter! :-)


Anonymous said...

Yeah right! I'm in the Leslie school of thought, You cant stop.

grumpy said...

...good luck on The Great American Short Story....


Anonymous said...

Know how you feel. I'm overcooked myself.

Blue Heron said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

When it’s done, it’s done. Thanks for a great ride Robert - Mary

Anonymous said...

Are you manic depressive? Everything okay?

Anonymous said...

i guess you will switch all your rambling to facebook (big difference !)

Anonymous said...

Missed something, why stick a fork in it?????

Anonymous said...

I'll truly miss it. I'll be back to reading no blogs.


Anonymous said...

Dear me oh me....Please come back to us after your vacation...nowhere is noblog so damn notable...Thank you for it all. ...and bon voyage, Neill

Anonymous said...

Nooooooooooooooooo !

Me thinks you're going to get a lot of objections to stopping this........Wanda

Anonymous said...

Robert: ...I've always admired your perseverance in your chosen field and your writings although sometimes out in left field and sometimes out in right field have been enlightening often and usually interesting enough to read all the way through...This is not the time in history for you to give up on all of us out here alone and without guidance and your Jewish humor to help us endure the day. Write your book next year as I suspect you don't even have a proper script in your head yet and if you don't get on the New York Times magic list you'll be disappointed no end... .......Best to you whatever you decide...We'll still love you....Maggie and Fred

Anonymous said...

Leave it there...kinda like 'space junk' - it makes it a little more interesting challenge for those that come later! Just kiddin' bro, but I would leave it up there. Thanks for all the entertainment; I'll have to look to see what the date of the first post was, unless you tell me first!


Anonymous said...

save it, too much good music in one place (among other reasons)


Anonymous said...

Robert! Blue Heron was my very first blog ... I didn't even know what a blog was 'til you came along ... what will I do now ....
please don't go!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Love your blog & will miss it. I have learned from it & have been entertained.It has Made me laugh, cry & I have quoted you on occasion.I truly think you should write professionally as in getting paid for it.Bill Maher(sp?) always has bloggers on that are not as clever as you.
Not just blowing smoke up your ass but think I could be your agent(ha,Ha) not that you need one.

Anonymous said...

Robert, it's auspicious that you have chosen to end this on my birthday, 53 today, and is that my candle you're blowing out? Hope you're well. Doug

Anonymous said...

What will you do now that you retired the blue heron blast? That’s a lot of time to fill.


Anonymous said...

why...willl miss...


Anonymous said...

DON'T GET RID OF THE BLOG. too good to lose. we will all be sorry not to have your tilted, insightful, devious, brilliant views on all the crap surrounding us in our trivial trappings in life. so take a break, mellow out, refurbish and sharpen your proverbial wit.... sharp minds never die. love u. lean

Anonymous said...

Robert: Not sayonara I hope, but, just “ja mata ne”…………. it is a way less final parting. I have really enjoyed your writing; rants, illuminating insights that have pushed me out of my comfort zone. Thank you. Here’s to hopefully not losing contact with you; “here, there, or in the air”; we’ll see each other again. Peace & respect, Joe

Anonymous said...

comment #27

North County Film Club said...

Say it isn't so. Don't stop. Reading your blog has become one of my daily habits and pleasures. What will I fill the space with? I suppose we could talk in person but this is so much easier. I do think you're an excellent writer and should be getting paid for it but that doesn't mean you have to stop blogging !!
See you downtown, Barbara

Sanoguy said...

Robert... I am currently in southern New Mex... Silver City to be exact. I have not had computer accesss for a few days. I knew this day was coming and it makes me a little sad. I will miss your commentaries. You did say that you were taking an "extended vacation". Maybe we will see you back here in not too long.

I really don't think you can stay away from the writing and commenting for very long. I hope that is the case!!!

Blue Heron said...

Thanks for all the nice comments and the crappy ones as well. It is tough to turn my back on the connection I have with all of you and I find myself checking out the site too often. Still great for music and news. I will try to keep the hot buttons flowing and maybe add pics once in a while. Went back to last year and listened to my music offerings this morning. Some peopkle only came for the music - some never checked it out.

I had a bit of a sleep time epiphany in the middle of the night where the seeds of ideas for my new book rose off the sea floor and instilled in my conscious brain. I think that it will be very interesting if I can pull it off. Garrison Keillor meets Moshe Dayan in a two out of three Texas death match. MIght post chapters on a blog, who knows?



Anonymous said...

With apologies to Blind Boy Grunt:

So now as I'm leavin'
I'm weary as hell
The confusion I'm feelin'
Ain't no tongue can tell
The words fill my head
And fall to the floor
If God's on our side
He'll stop the next ......... blog.


Daisy Deadhead said...

Yes, you'll be back! :D I do NOT believe you can stay away from us and our wonderfulness!

At least no crackpot lesbian separatist with 11 kids is accusing you of hacking her blog, okay? :P

I don't know I keep doing it, but I am here for the long haul, at least until blogs morph into some other computerized life form....

Love ya. We'll we here!

Anonymous said...

Are you back? Decided clipping coupons wasn’t for you?

Best, Keith

North County Film Club said...

If you're still reading these comments- come over to my blog and read Nancy's review of the Bob Dylan, Willie Nelson, John Mellencamp concert.
I'm glad you're still sometimes blogging.

Anonymous said...

Admiring the time and effort you put into your blog and detailed information you offer! I will bookmark your blog and have my children check up here often. Thumbs up!