
Yellow headed blackbird

Thursday, June 11, 2009


A scene from one of my favorite movies, based on the novel by Gunter Grass.


Daisy Deadhead said...

The horse-head-fishing-for-eels scene gave me nightmares. It was one of my first and longest lapses into vegetarianism before deciding on it for good.

Always wondered if Gunter Grass was a vegetarian.

Blue Heron said...

Don't know if he was a vegetarian, but a few years ago word got out that he was a member of Hitler Youth and later the Waffen SS. By the way the Fueher was a vegetarian...

Daisy Deadhead said...

Oy, much discussion over that, hotly debated. (I fully admit, I have no idea.)

Fact is, vegetarians can't even decide what "vegetarian" means; some people call themselves vegetarian and eat fish (as the Fueher apparently did) --while others do not believe you are vegetarian if you even eat cheese or eggs (as I do).

So I am sure they will continue to claim him on both sides!

Blue Heron said...

Ya, the hair splitting can get tedious. I was a certified organic farmer for about 10 years and when they wanted to know what the cows that produced my manure were eating, I threw up my hands. My ex was a pretty radical veg and I will never forget how horrified my family was when they came over and she had shaped the tofu into a turkey shape for thanksgiving. Oy is right.