The zircon encrusted drill breaks on Blake's thick mastoid. Discovering that it is a Craftsman bit, one of the orderlies is directed to Sears for a free replacement. Aliberto "Beto" Borracho, part time janitor and full time CEO emeritus of loser street gang Los Mojados calls up his homeboys for throwdown with guys in green jackets that he mistakes for rich Master's golf tournament marks invading his turf. Sensing a breach in the natural order of things, the chasidically dressed men in black from command H.Q. swoop down from central casting to thwart attack on pentagram boys. In the hubbub, Dolores walks into the hospital and shoots George Blake in the head. Evidently, he had always pissed her off.
The End.
If you ever want to bring you-know-who back there is still room for a dream sequence. Dolores could have been dreaming.
I love that the Gang is called "the wet ones' and that the Janitor's last name is "drunkard".
For the record, I had to look up 'chasidically' and you are 6th on the Google list. Turns out I know what Chasidic is after all. All this while listening to your Wuick Mix on Pandora
Last night you were talking about the Japanese guy speaking yiddish - check out Very unique chasidic oriental(arabic) debka dance "sefaradi" on SHOTAZ http://www.gvsmedia.com/video-2/kp3FoDZxD64/Very-unique-chasidic-oriental-arabic--debka-dance--sefaradi--Bri
Thanks, I stayed and pounded bloody marys last night - sometimes a guy has to do what a guy has to do...
If nothing else in life, at least I made the top ten in uses of the word chasidically on google. Now I can go to my final rest in peace.
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