
Yellow headed blackbird

Thursday, June 11, 2009

New Story

Longtime blog readers might remember that last year we had a collective novel going for a while that sort of fizzled out after about the eighteenth chapter. I got the idea from George R.R. Martin's excellent Wild Card series, which had work by my favorite author Roger Zelazny. Each writer in the series would take a chapter and run. The four main writers on last year's novel, Kit, Carrie, KJ and I will start the thing off again. If you want to jump in, drop me an email with your input. If I get multiple entries at the same time as happened last year once or twice, I will reserve the right to pick my favorite and try to edit the other one in. Don't comment your submissions, send them to blheron at pacbell.net so that I can spell check and make sure you aren't communist sympathizers or something...

I encourage those of you who haven't written before to give it a shot and stretch your literary wings. The worst thing that will happen is that your end product stays on the blogsite until Ragnarok and you get subject to endless humiliation by your peers. I will try to start us off this afternoon.

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