
Yellow headed blackbird

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Mike Port!

Fallbrook's most favorite citizen, lonsman and curmudgeon, Marvin "Mike" Port is turning 91 tomorrow. Raised in Escondido, Mike has spent roughly the last 60 years in Fallbrook. Mike owned Port's, the men's clothing company for years and extended credit to most of the families in town when things got tough. Mike's wife passed away several years ago but he is still going strong. Sharp as a tack. Great physical shape. He has two boys, Jerry and Michael, daughters in law Anne and Denise and a bunch of grandchildren.

Mike has been a member of my morning coffee group for about 15 years. Nothing changes with Mike, same blue jacket, same old stories, maybe his parking skills aren't what they used to be.
Mike is one of the principal reasons I get up early in the morning. I am sure that I speak for Bob Abbott, Bruce Taylor, Ron Allison, Butch, Pete, Tony, all of his morning coffee buddies and friends in Fallbrook when we wish him the best birthday imaginable.

1 comment:

grumpy said...

happy birthday indeed, Mike...when i think of Fallbrook back in the day, i think of Port's, Harrison's Drug Store, Richardson's Drive in, the Fallbrook Enterprise, and Rusty's Ammo Room...the Friendly Village is still good, but it ain't what it used to be.