
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, June 15, 2009

Glenn does Ludwig


grumpy said...

utter brilliance; thanks for posting this; along with Lenny (Bernstein, not Bruce) Glenn was my hero, when it came to so-called classical music; he broke all the rules, but he made it work; he played it his way; he really felt the music; mainly he's remembered as a Bach interpreter; his initial recording of the Goldberg Variation is must-listening for everyone, nothing less than a revolution; slow tempos he would play fast, and vice versa; what is he, nuts? Glenn would drive sound engineers batty, because he'd sit on a creaky chair in the studio, rather than a piano bench...God bless the resting soul of Glenn Gould, is all i have to say.

grumpy said...

at the risk of sounding, well, grumpy, you came up with a horrible title for this post; Glenn Gould is not "doing" anyone, he's interpreting a piece written by the greatest musical genius the human race has ever produced, and i dare say ever will; sorry, i had to get that off my chest.

Blue Heron said...

He was playing his music, not humping his leg...

grumpy said...

you disrespected both Glenn and Beethoven, is what i meant; but at least i got a response out of you....