I had a neat surprise this morning. The secret identity of one of my best anonymous posters was revealed! Lately, often in the late night hours, somebody has been offering very tight, fact based repartees to some of my more bloated blog posts. The intelligence level is so high that I thought it had to be Millard. I called him up and he said that he had been laying low since his dreadful, racist, misogynist rant at the Obama White House and that it wasn't his stuff.
This morning one of my better clients came in to finish paying off a painting and he confessed at the last second to being the loyal opposition. I was actually afraid to show him my blog initially because I felt that we were such poles apart politically. And he also comes from a religious background. Way to go, Robert, alienate another good client. His first reaction to the blog was disinterest because I had written something on the Lakers and he wasn't into basketball. But evidently, he continued to check it out and I appreciate that since he said he never followed a blog before. Come to think of it, neither have I.
Someone once told me that I thrived on negative criticism and I think there's some truth to that. I get so used to the volume and bellicosity of my own bullshit that sometimes I even start to believe it! So people like Mr. Anonymous hopefully keep me from becoming totally full of crap. I know, I know, too late.
Prior to his unmasking today, we got into a good discussion about Obama and the general state of things. He thinks that the administration is basically dishonest when it comes to health care because the President shows the funding for it coming out of the surge drawdown in Iraq, which has already occurred in the accounting sense. Or something like that. He wonders if we are heading into a deep morass by entering the era of socialized medicine. This segued into the need to cut entitlement spending and the willingness of the majority to put the spending burden on the shoulders of those on the top of the economic period. He pays 70% of medical for his workers and 99% of vision and dental so this is not an intellectual exercise for him. This is real money. I countered with the usual corporate welfare argument.
I parried some of his shots, but found myself agreeing with much that he said. So thanks, anonymous one, thanks for listening to views that are so opposed to your own. I will try to do the same. So much of the information we peruse is selected because it reinforces our preconceived attitudes. That is why I read Townhall, National Review, Drudge, Weekly Standard as well as the liberal stuff. Plus they are so angry right now, it's kind of fun.
Jim told me yesterday that I have become totally biased against the Republicans. I hereby enter into my next phase of political self examination. I hope that anyone who wants me to post their writing will send me stuff to put on the blog. As long as it's spellchecked. Bad grammar is okay, actually makes me look smarter by contrast.
Got a call this morning from a producer who occasionally reads the blast about potentially helping with a new screenplay/story development idea. Mum's the word but it might be a very cool thing.
being open to new political views is good - how about this one - 10% of the population pay 705 of the taxes - Under Obama 49% will pay no taxes at all - so for the vast majority there is absolutely no motivation to curtail the insane growth of the government...they're not paying for any of it...spread the pain and fiscal sensibility will return...people will understand why cutting taxes for business is a good thing...but for now, no hope, since half of us pay no federal income taxes -
Got the gist but don't quite understand the 705...
Meant to say 70% not 705, I think that's a freeway!
Under Bush big oil forgot to pay 50billion dollars to the Dept. of Interior. The so-called 10% of population also have Swiss and Bermuda bank accounts to hide corporate earnings and gave American jobs to China and India. The so-called 10% broke the Federal Govt. with Wall St. bailouts and tax breaks. If big business gets a tax break they don't use the money to hire unemployed U.S. workers, they outsource.
Maybe alot of spending on Obama's agenda is nothing more than pork, but where were all these fiscal tea party conservatives when Bush and Cheney charged the U.S. taxpayers billions to pay for their fake war in Iraq?
Blue Heron,
I enjoyed the visit and our conversation. Thank you for the wonderful painting.
At the risk of being confused with a Lucha Libre fan, and to avoid being mistaken for some other annonymous participant, I will henceforth use the online moniker MMWB (masked man ....)
Please note, the previously received annonymous responses to this Blue Heron post are not my efforts.
That being said, annonymous is correct in pointing out that a small percentage of the U.S. population pay the lion's share of all taxes. This burden is placed upon their shoulders in an reverse pyramid scheme. Instead of spreading the expenses throughout the population, we focus more and more of this weight upon the small minority already surrendering the largest percent of their income based upon our tax code.
Into this swirling vortex we toss more and more of what special interests require of their political servants. These same politicians gleefully promise the sun, moon and stars in order to retain their titles. Meanwhile, they imagine that they can continue to squeeze more from our nation's top earners without experiencing any negative repercussions. Those who earn less and pay a smaller portion of their income in taxes, cheer the call to shift a larger share onto the wealthy, or anyone falling into a tax bracket above their envisioned earning level.
President Obama deceitfully rallies those who wish for more at the expense of others! Promising a reduced burden and increased services, while spending far beyond what even a 100% tax rate upon the "wealthy", will ever garner. The inevitable, but temporarily forestalled invoice will arrive. However, unlike the advestisement offers of "pay no interest for five years", all our debts are accruing interest and will be placed upon the backs of everyone in our nation.
Entitlements have already placed the hangman's noose around all taxpayers. The magic promised by the president and the ruling party will place a bag over the nation's head while we ignore the fact that the bottom will soon open up beneath our feet.
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