
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, May 4, 2009

We get letters

Dear Blue Heron,

Hope all is well. Just to prove I read your stuff I loved the analogy about Germans being happy to lose D-Day so that they wouldn’t have to spend on defense for the next 50 years. Was this an original comparison? It was used in great context and I actually mentioned it to a co worker who got quite a laugh out of it.

Glad to hear that the worst is behind you.


Well, thanks K.C. I would love to tell you that I have a ready and reliable analogy source on the open market but with the economy the way it is, I have been forced to come up with them myself as a cost cutting measure. Same thing with similes, metaphors, and drawn conclusions. All work is solely the creation of the author. Thank you both for the complement and the good wishes.


Dear Blue Herring,

Love the blog but it's been a little too zionistic lately, if you know what I mean. Anything you can do about that?


Dear B.,

I went through the last six weeks or so of blog posts and don't see a lot of undue references to zionism or Israel. There have been quite a few references to jews, and I recognize that that can be a little off putting for some. Unfortunately, I run into difficulty trying to purge my tribal identity. But in recognition of our great "melting pot" and the big tent that we all do live under perhaps I can come up with a code word for jews that won't be divisive or arouse any negative feelings. In the future if I mention "kippers and eggs", I will actually be alluding to those people.



Dear Robert,

Can you try to be a little more objective? You are always attacking the right - how about going after some of the sacred cows on the left for a change... I went to a tea party and most people were really most concerned about government spending.


Dear J.S.,

Fair Enough. I did go after Arlen Specter but don't think he has been a democrat long enough to count. In the interest of fair play, will look for some liberal oxen to gore.



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