
Yellow headed blackbird

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Trade you back.

Is it too late to say thanks but no thanks to Arlen Specter?  Take him back, Republicans.  I don't care if he's the 59th vote, maybe we will find a sane soul on the other side to vote with the Democrats once in a while.  This guy spells Trouble with a capitol T. 

I have spent years listening to the sanctimonious Specter speak on CSPAN and let's face it, he's a first class bore. Listening to this self righteous drip orate is like watching paint dry. Arlen must be feeling pretty down tonight after the Senate stripped all of his committee seniority away today.

Today he announced that he hoped that justice would prevail and Norm Coleman would get seated as the Minnesota Senator.  Now Arlen, independence is one thing, but this is idiocy.  I have followed the election and post election morass really closely and every Coleman argument was firmly shut down by the court.  Clearly he is being used by Senator Cornyn as a national obstruction to the administration and frankly, it stinks. 

I don't know what quid pro quo was offered to Specter by Biden, Reid and Obama, but whatever it was it was too much.  Now Sestak, the heir apparent, is gnashing his teeth at reality that he is the apparently being shuffled out of the party machine's deck. 

Republicans hate Al Franken.  I was at a cocktail party this weekend and a very measured lawyer, very even keel, was beside himself with Frankenfear.  Couldn't even stand him on Saturday Night Live. Franken's way too ethnic, I guess, the personification of the smart ass jewish New Yorker. Hm-mmm, sounds vaguely familiar.

Having listened to his radio broadcasts and read some of his books, I would say he is better informed than the majority of Senators in Washington.  Harvard educated, class of '73. Deadhead.  He certainly had as much experience as Reagan or Arnold or the guy from Loveboat.  But he just rubs some people the wrong way...

Specter said a couple other things this week that have to have liberals steaming - he no longer supports the Employee Free Choice Act or a publicly funded insurance option for health care. I think that he is well on his way to pulling a Lieberman, these men have alienated both sides of the public and I can visualize them both getting creamed during the next election cycle.

Newsflash: 79 year old Specter now says he misspoke on Franken, link here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You took Specter. Now you have to keep him.