In the seventies I am told that the area was a fertile ground for marijuana growing. The story goes that most of the growers either moved to Anza or got religion.
We eventually achieved notoriety for a certain white supremacist who lived in town. He skedaddled a couple of years ago when his estranged mother died in Indiana and he got a place to crash for free.
So now we are apparently left with only one cash crop - skin. Everywhere you look, new tattoo parlors are cropping up. I found three new ones last week alone. What is going to happen when the epidermis crop withers and these entrepreneurs are left with nary a torso in sight to ink, pierce and flame? Will these budding Cezannes be able to weather the downtimes after all of your wannabee Maoris are stuck in nursing homes and their once proud battleships have sunk from their chests to their stomachs?
What happens when the current rage for prison calligraphy on your neck becomes de riguer? Is it possible to get a total skin peel to remove your of many colors? Will all of these Rembrandts with needles be fighting in the street over that last customer who just has to have one of those ultra fresh pieces of barbed wire wrapped around their bicep? Does the shock value of your gang tattoo diminish when your mom and dad come home sporting identical graphics? How far off is the technology that will enable us to save the fleshy adornments of our departed loved ones and hang them on the wall in a suitable and tasteful frame?
from what i gather, the "ag" future here lies in grapes, ie wine, vino, tu sabes? requires much less water than avos, and citrus; seems to be working for our friends just over the county line, in Temecula, so why not here?...i never understood the appeal of getting one's skin inked, i'd never do it; lots of Marines dig it, though, hence the proliferation of tattoo parlors here in the Friendly Village; too bad; it's a blight...golf course tourism is probably our only other appeal...maybe it's time to move to Anza?..
I have seen the greatest business opportunity of the future (I mean aside from the manufacture of lifelike female robots-the Japanese will own that one)it is tattoo removal...
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