
Yellow headed blackbird

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Hellish Descent

I woke up late this morning. I had an extraordinary dream sequence before waking that was like a trip to a Blakeian hell. My wife Leslie and I had lost our house for some reason and were squatting on a rural neighbors ranch, who didn't speak our language. Buffalo were rutting all around us and crashing their massive foreheads into each other.

The landowners were doing their best to express their dissatisfaction with our newfound living arrangements when my blackberry type instrument started flashing pictures of every pornographic picture I had ever espied for all to see. Then a quick succession of criminal losers entered the picture, telling all who would listen about my willing complicity in their sordid actions.

The next thing I can remember is being in a high rise building where three gents were slacklining eight floors up to the next tower. I am a guy with a terrible fear of heights and suddenly found myself outside the building on the fire ladders. I was having to circus trapeze down to find a door and window to enter the building. I finally found a way in. There were painting's on the walls signed OGG. Dated 1982. One I remember depicted an extremely old matriarch trying to seduce the young maintenance man who was having none of it. Some people never remember their dreams or have extremely boring ones. My manic mind comes up with some real doozies.

Can't wait for Angelino, the artist formally known as Grumpy, to help translate my visions with his old dream book. Have a pleasant Sunday.

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