
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Great Shawn Mayes!

I have just gotten several letters from my old friend Shawn Mayes, the hermit in the coconut hut  (or so the Thai magazines call him.)  Shawn lives in Thailand and lives what most of us would call the idylic life.  Met him over thirty years ago in the mean streets of Encinitas. If you ever are feeling depressed about the mundane nature of your life and want to get thoroughly bummed out, consider my friend Shawn.

He got off the grid several decades ago, landing first I believe in Elba, then Tonga for a year or two on an island commune of German artists.  He then did an amazing vegetable growing operation in Kauai for a number of years.  Got too crowded so he dived into another level of paradise and landed in Ko Samui. Where he has prospered and made quite a name for himself as a landscape designer and grower of rare plants and flowers. He has a passion for nepenthes, plants that will take a bite out of your calf if you turn your head.

Shawn has just completed an arduous three week trek through the jungles and equatorial rain forest of Borneo in search of new and rare species of plants.  Guess he found two or three new species including an unknown orchid.  Insane conditions in the 100% humidity rain forest.  You see what incredible shape he is in. Shawn is a great artist and photographer (he took over 3000 shots this trip) and I post some shots of his recent trip for your perusal with his permission.


shawnintland said...

Yo Rob,
Hope you are fully recovered, or at least enough to laugh. Nice layout you did! Thanks for the nice words. The 'German artists'in Tonga only showed up for a month - rest of the time was me alone! Borneo absolutely blew me away! The biodiversity is unlike anywhere I have ever seen. It's going to take weeks to sort through all the pictures (but I only have 3 before heading off to Nepal for the orchid blooming season) but I will slowly put more up on photobucket. For now, here's a link to some of 1 day's shots; http://s270.photobucket.com/albums/jj112/shawnintland/borneo%201/?start=all

Blue Heron said...

This is your life, Shawn Mayes, Just remember, I knew you when it was just marlboros and haagen daz rum raisin...Miss our frisbee action in Solana Beach. Your friends stateside will always love you.

shawnintland said...

Rob, I really miss our disc sessions too! Rather than sending out loads more photos by e-mail (There are over 3,000 of ‘em) I have been posting a couple batches a day on a Nepenthes forum. Hopefully you will be able to view them directly, if you are interested. There are about 5 pages now!



Blue Heron said...

Forgot about New Zealand...

Blue Heron said...

Blue Heron said...

(b) blue heron
(s) Shawn

Sawasdee Krap Robert,

(R)I also enjoyed the photos from Shawn and quite agree with your thesis in the article about him. Having been in closer proximity physically to him during most of the last 30 years there were some things about what you wrote that caught my eye. I don't bring them up as a knock, the real story is mysterious and impressive to me as well. It does seem interesting from the viewpoint of how we project onto others, and of how the best pr is often the least detailed and overtly self promoting.

(b)He got off the grid several decades ago
(r)< Utility grids, often, but not always or as a point of pride
(s)< Governmental - very often, but currently a legal, taxpaying businessman with an multiple accountants and legal employees, payroll, insurance, multiple land payments.

(b)landing first I believe in Elba,

(r)news to me, but wouldn't be surprised at all - (s)yep, 1980

(b)then Tonga for a year or two on an island commune of German artists.

(r)one year with an occasional crazy German bohemian or three passing through. (s)(And Omar, the Brazilian and Grace) (r)Shawn was the only one who really seemed like an artist to me

(b)then did an amazing vegetable growing operation in Kauai for a number of years.

(r)know he started growing irises Gladiolas with Roger. That was impressive but not too successful (S -financially, but boy did we have fun!). (r)Then moved into flowers and produce/herbs. After that he did some hi tech hort stuff, but I was on Oahu and don't really know much about it (s-Big green houses/nursery near the wettest spot on earth along with rare palms for Neil Norman) Then a few years of Polo in Hawaii and NZ.

(b)Got too crowded so he dived into another level of paradise and landed in Koh Samui.

(r)You leave out the part where he moved back to Encinitas and made a living as a builder. That part is quite impressive on its own merits (I loved where he raised a house in Olivenhein up to re pour (s-No re-pour, there was NO foundation to begin with!) (r) the foundation, all with only the occasional day laborer as helper) but mucks up the story about a search for the simple life. You don't mention Yogis, his old darts arena. Or 837 Stratford, or Reno.

(b)Where he has prospered and made quite a name for himself as a landscape designer and grower of rare plants and flowers. 

(r)Quite true, but leaves out some very hard years in the beginning trying to be part of a communal group that ended up a capitalist trio - not including him. (S- Hmmm Alzheimers? I’m not sure where this was? Sanctuary? Hydro-Heads?) (r)His name as a grower is mostly with the in group of aficionados he is connected to via cyberspace and FedEx. In both cases (landscaping and horticulture) his lack of bombastic self promotion has not hindered his reputation. The mysterious and reticent aspect works great, albeit slower. The hermit bit was from one article written for the local version of 'Better Homes House and Garden. The Nepenthe nuts certainly liked that (he sent them the article it was posted on a forum by a Thai who saw it on the first day of issue). As to whether there is a strategic plan or style with this, well he is certainly a smart guy and pretty savvy. My own opinion is that he is aware of these factors, but doesn't care enough about it to do it deliberately.

Blue Heron said...

(b)You see what incredible shape he is in.

(r)As far as fitness, Shawn has remained in good to excellent shape for all these years. He periodically quits tobacco and usually gets into a swimming routine as part of that. When he is in ok shape, he could kick most of our asses as far as work and exercise goes. When he is in great shape, he could pull us in a boat a quarter mile, and then kick our asses in running up hills with bags of potting mix and cement. (s)Unfortunately, he has also had lots of health problems over the Samui years, including 4 or 5 6 bouts with Dengue fever, other incapacitating bouts with fevers, and a several years bout with some integumentary system problem Eczema that mercifully seems much better lately to come and go. 

(r)The Borneo trip was led by the a world leading expert in Nepenthes, who Shawn met at a conference. While Shawn has dived into Botany with his usual brilliance, I doubt if he personally discovered or ID'ed the new species. Discovered is quite possible (s)Yep, spotted a previously unreported natural hybrid of Nepenthes Vogelii x Faizaliana growing epiphytically on the side of Gunung Murud in Mulu National Park, confirmed by Ch’ien Lee, ID'ed much less. New orchid species were spotted by Ch’ien Lee. 

So, my point is just that while he is inspiring and admirable in his accomplishments and commitment to his preferred lifestyle, there is much more to this story (and any story) than the projection of our Walter Mittyish fantasies upon him.

It also says something about the nature of reputation and promotion in the age of YouTube and 5 seconds of fame. It is interesting to think of what connections might happen for him with your posting ?

On a side note, Shawn has refused to go to the tawdry tourist capitol of the island for 15 years, thus passing up on the only Hagen Daaz supply for hundreds of miles. There is now another store with foreign foods in the town he goes bar hopping and errand running in - you might ask him when was the last time he had some rum raisen. I think even old loves can fade away with time..............(s)Well, they only carry Vanilla, Chocolate and one other in Hagen Daz and in Ben and Jerry’s there’s Cherry Garcia and one or two others…I’ve taken to keeping a large tablespoon in my glove compartment as the store is too far away from home to make it unthawed…then again, how would I ever find out anyway!