I must confess to a certain amount of perverse glee as I watch the self immolation that is the Republican Party. With only one in five Americans willing to call themselves members of the G.O.P. these days, those being principally angry white evangelicals from the south, the party is evidently searching for it's soul.
Yesterday, Lindsay Graham of South Carolina, one of the most intelligent senators in Congress, faced down hecklers at the South Carolina GOP Convention. Graham almost passes for a moderate in today's republican party. Although I don't agree with the majority of views, he is a man of integrity who calls issues fairly, sometimes going against his party mainstream. He has been dogged by nasty rumours about his personal life.
Graham's fellow senator from the Palmetto State, Jim DeMint, has been croaking lately about party purity and maintaining firm ideological convictions, even if it means losing 10 more Senate seats. Graham counters that they are losing demographically in every region including the south and that there has to be room for divergent opinions.
Pro Lifers have made clear that they will never accept Pro Choice candidates in the party. Dick Cheney is making snide remarks about Colin Powell. Rush Limbaugh is making fun of the Eric Cantor led listening parties.
In short, we have internecine warfare from a dwindling, exclusionary party that was just a couple of years ago trumpeting (through Karl Rove) that they were on the eve of a permanent majority.
Am I supposed to pretend this isn't fun? Is it in bad taste to point fingers and laugh at these people? Truthfully, things change so fast politically in our world and parties in power tend to act so corruptly, that it's only a matter of time until they once again will enter the halls of power with victory laurels on their brows. As a wise sage once said - never underestimate the stupidity of the American public.
Moderates feel like the Club for Growth is backing candidates who are too conservative to win general elections. If I had to bet, I would surmise that the countervailing winds within the party are too strong and that no real changes will occur in the GOP in the next several years.
Dashing through the issues
In a one party sleigh
O'er the truth they go
Lying all the way
Bills on Barry's desk
Make everything alright
What fun it is to tax and spend
Without even a fight
Oh, hate the right, hate the right,
Make them go away
Oh, what fun to legislate
Let's take their rights away
Hate the right, hate the right
Make them go away
Oh, what fun to blame the rich
And give their gelt away
A day or two ago
Obama took us for a ride
And soon Miss Nancy P.
Was telling lots of lies
The torture was all George
Misiformed by CIA
We got into the meeting notes
And then she got upset
Oh, hate the right, hate the right,
Make them go away
Oh, what fun to legislate
Let's take their rights away
Hate the right, hate the right
Make them go away
Oh, what fun to blame the rich
And give their gelt away
Obama's king Obama's king
Obama's king today
Oh, what fun it is to rewrite
What those old founders say
Obama's king Obama's king
Obama's king today
Oh, what fun to legislate
Let's take their rights away
wow MMWB - that was impressive - and you even threw gelt in...you obviously have an overactive brain like me.
A rumor that he is gay is not a nasty rumor. Nobody has accused him of any perversions. They just point out that he is probably gay.
The fact that he is a gay man from the carolinas is the problem, not the biological fact of being gay.
Your sister
You use the word stupid too much.
Stupid me.
Hey Liz, there I was being all vague and circumspect and you have to come on along and out the poor guy...
Linsay Lohan makes more sense than Linsay Graham. Where the fuck was he when Bush destroyed this country?
Nobody is going to take you serious if you write bullshit articles like this one.
sorry a little liberal steam venting by me.
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