I have had some communication problems with my doctor's staff and have been directed to fall on my sword before, which I have done repeatedly, graciously and pragmatically. Yesterday I called the office and reported my pain and my problems and she replied that my app was for today. I tried to get the extreme nature and degree of my pain across but guess it didn't take so good. And I must shoulder the blame for trying to self diagnose and blame the meds or a tract infection when it turned out to be something completely different. Me, with my tremendous amount of medical training.
I called en route on the hour plus ride to the coast to let them know that I was in total agony. Peed all over myself in the car in a short nasty loss of control. When the doctor took a look at me, he was shocked, immediately hit me with a shot of valium and reinserted a foley catheter. He said that I was suffering from Prostatitas. The doctor said for the umpteenth time that I was directed not to use any more adjectives with his staff, that I was too smart, he preferred to work with truck drivers (sorry truck drivers!) I do bare some responsibility for trying to work beyond my skill set. And plead guilty for that nuanced alliterative thing. Must be hard to be in an office with a bunch of whiny sick people all the time. I would build a shell of in compassion pretty quick.
I am now on an antibiotic that may/may not fix the prostatitas according to a quick online search. Sutures, staples and stitches are removed. Had my first bath in a while. And am free for now from that excruciating pain. Am directed to remove catheter next thursday morning early and see what gives.
Might try to get into the shop a little saturday but am basically still a basket case and incapable of much. Have been really bad at answering the phones. Got a great email this morning from one of my oldest friends from childhood in New York, Doug Garn, who works in treatment and rehab. Doug can be so sarcastic he makes me look like a piker but gave it to me straight and real in a little message about some old associates. You can never go wrong with the people who have known you forever. He said something I like today from treatment "who you are with, is who you are" Words to ponder. So once again, in the spirit of Yom Kippor, months away on the horizon, let me apologize to all that I have wronged and forgive me for any felony level gross offenses and shortcomings.
What you have been thru is no picnic. Whadyu expect? You are living in pain from a very complicated operation, but you are alive! View this ordeal as a bad drug trip that will be over when it is over.
Soon you will start feeling better. We will all know you have recovered when we start hearing that feisty sarcasm which we all love and miss.
Hang in there cuz you have lots more paintings to buy.
Can't wait to go back to the Wave with you this fall.
KJ & Jaz
You will get better soon. I promise. And you know I keep my promises.
Just read about your day and am appalled at how you were treated by Dr. and his staff. I was concerned when a few days ago you wrote about the frequency and burning on urination, you were right about having an infection, but didn't want to butt in. Had I known what responses you were getting from the staff there, I would have said something and helped you get past the dragons at the gate. I've run into the same thing myself, but I'm an old retired RN with long yellow teeth, and know all the magic words to send 'staff' running, not walking to the doctor. There seems to be a trend in using staff to obstruct, rather than help. I've heard several instances of the same thing in the last couple of months as well as my own experience. Don't know what it is all about, but having some hs grad who barely knows how to answer the phone is not someone to decide whether or not the patient should be seen by the doctor. It sucks!
Anyhow, I'm so glad you got some pain relief and treatment for the infection and want to offer this. If you have further problems, or have questions, or run into stone walls with your doc's staff, you are welcome to call me and I'll do what I can to help. Surgery is a bitch. Recovery isn't much better.
Your journey sounds riddled with pot-holes, speaking of which I am sure when you go over one in the car it hurts like a bitch. Its amazing when the medical profession always turns shit around like that. My doctor in an emergency will take you anytime, but then you wait in the waiting room for a few hours. Well, I am glad you got some relief and a bath
speak soon - d
Good to hear you are back home, but it sounds like you are going through a lot. Hang in there: music helps and try old movies on cable if you have it. Kathy and I are thinking of you.
I am writing this on Monday, the 13th. You are sounding better with your last couple of postings. Good news!!
Speaking of Prostatitis... I have had a couple of bouts with it. Once in my 30s and then again about 10 years later. No picnic, particularly when doing what men like to do ( no, not masturbation... it's the other thing.. the one you do with a partner!!!)
One of the things I discovered along the way is that some antibiotics will work while others won't. The first urologist I saw put me on one antibiotic and it did not work. He tried another that did work. I think that also happened the second time. They need to find the right "flavor". One time I took Cipro which is a real strong antibiotic.. it did work.
Boy, I hope your Mom didn't read this!! Good luck with that!!!
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