
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, March 23, 2009

Monday morning ride into town.

I watched the eighties era putty colored sedan lurch out of the McDonalds drive through lane and right into my path. I slowed down abruptly, knowing that another dent would be meaningless to her and would probably cause me the greater anguish. The squat and corpulent middle aged driver continued to squack on her phone obliviously and then proceeded to stop at the green light for several seconds, not from any animosity, but a strange solipsistic view that we were all just bit players in the universe that she owned and inhabited.

Why do the same old brain dead people always come out of the same old drive through lanes? Is it something they put in the food? The same parents that put coca cola in their kids baby bottles and roll their windows down to jettison their burger wrappers. What is their message, our life sucks and we hate you for having the notion that living might be a pleasant experience?

I talked to a friend at the gym this morning who said that certain members of his family are getting rather paranoid in their dotage and from absorbing too much bad news. I started thinking of writing something joyous and uplifting and the only thing I could come up with was that t.b. rates are down. Which is good. On the dark side of the ledger, we see South Africa not allowing the Dalai Lama to speak, riots in Tibet that commenced with a monk jumping into the yellow river, and Israel shutting down a Palestinian parade in Jerusalem. I understand the security issues but draw the line at suppressing cultural identity. J.P. Morgan is buying new corporate jets with our money and the economy seems to just keep whirling into the abyss.

One of my Moose brothers has passed away - a sweet guy named Roger - retired marine who took care of an autistic grandchild. I hope that all will be ok with his family. My side is aching, I had to get up at three in the morning and take a hot bath. My body might be rejecting the stent, I don't know.

I changed the blog to this black background yesterday but don't know if I like it. Let me know if you think it is too hard to read. Some things aren't loading well in Safari so I will probably change it again. I leave you with a cool video. Farts are always funny.


Anonymous said...

There is a bit of good news today, Robert. The stock market was up almost 500 points. Oh, only another few thousand more to go!!!!

Anonymous said...

Jesus, you're just a big pain in the fucking ass!

What about that stent in your brain? Is that acting up, too?


Anonymous said...

black bad. But it matches your depressing blog.


Anonymous said...

By the way, the previous look of the Blog was better.