
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, March 9, 2009

James Taylor - Old Blue

We are on vigil for our old lab pyrenees cross Max. This gentle giant has been with us for many years and may not see the morning. He just lifted his head up and ate a little bit. Been a great friend and companion. Thank god for the dogs and cats in our lives.

Here the brilliant James Taylor plays at the Telluride Festival with two of the greatest players on earth, ex Fallbrookian Mark O'Connor and Jerry Douglas. There is a really nice studio version of the cut on O'Connor's On the Mark CD.


Our 160 lb. buddy passed away around midnight. Maximum Overdrive Sommers, "Max" for short. I could say that he has left for his earthly reward or is chasing cats in heaven but don't think it would be quite fair to him as he never spoke to me regarding any particular religious beliefs he might have maintained and was always a good dog with regard to the felines and pretty much everything else. Had to pay some vet bills when he kicked the skanky neighbor's dog Moose's ass a number of years ago.

Never borrowed money from me, or books, always listened to my bitching without complaint or remonstration. Had a slight lazy streak at times but as a big guy myself, hard to carry the weight around and it might have been a simple question of conservation of energy.

We measure our lives in the beings we have loved and Max is up there at the top of the list.

So long, devoted friend.


Anonymous said...

Our condolences on Max!! We certainly understand your loss... it ain't easy!!

The JT recording was not available on the You Tube clip... or so it said.

JT is the best!!!

Anonymous said...

We never met Max Robert but he certainly sounds like he was a wonderful part of your life..Sorry for your loss .We all have that dreaded moment when it all ends for a loved one and it always makes the heart so heavy...Best Fred

Anonymous said...

Clip works for me...

Anonymous said...

I found another JT "Old Blue" by going directly to You Tube... it was JT at the Telluride Blues Fest with O'Connor and Douglas.... probably the one you referred to.... JT is the man!!!

Fitting tribute to Max, I am sure.


wave_man said...

I am so sorry for your loss. We tend to measure loss by so-called sentience, but I never missed anyone more than Willow, who I had to put down a little over three years ago. I still miss the wisdom and kindness of my furry daughter nearly every day. Sentience is bullshit. People are people, and the furry ones are some of the best you will ever know.


Blue Heron said...

What did your friend name Willow - wasn't it something like little whelp of satan?

thanks for your thoughts.


Anonymous said...

Robt. & Leslie,
Sorry to hear bout Max. I still miss our best friend Moki and it's been three years now since I lost my trusting pal. It's not easy finding a mellow 160 lb.dog. They just don't live long enough.
I guess he is on his journey to the Dog Star.


Anonymous said...

Dear Robert and Leslie
i wanted to let you know that i am thinking alot about you guys (in between my own charge) there have been so many challenges set before you. animal friends passing, health issues and all that money stuff. My wish for you both to know, respectlng your private side that i have very strong loving feelings and will always have your back any way i can.


Anonymous said...

Bummer...he looks like a good boy in the picture.
Sorry Robert and Leslie.

Blue Heron said...

Video worked and then it didn't work - weird...

Carrie Repking said...

So sorry about the loss of your Max. He looks like he was a happy good old dog. The clip worked for me.

Anonymous said...

Robert & Leslie,
So sorry ... we lost one of our dogs after New Year's but all the love and energy they gave us we'll always treasure.
Robert & Irma

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear about Max. I know you will miss him! Please take care of yourselves and give all your other pets lots of hugs today.


Anonymous said...

Hi Robert
I am so sorry about Max your dog
I hope he meets my dog Dink in doggy heaven.
Rick told me dog spelled backwards is God,I will always
remember that. A dog is loyal,love devotion to me
especially when they wag their tail to greet you...
Loving what is...

Ida G.

P.S. there is one song I wrote down in my
little address book a few years ago....
"Itchychoo Park" love the music and words.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry about Max leaving you both. I remember him from the last time I was there, a long time ago. I am way way past the time a visit to your home. Our pets are our lessons on unconditional love. To love and be loved. I still miss Zeke and Lynne and I miss Jack our beautiful white cat who passed Oct. 31. Being grateful for having them in our lives is healing balm for the soul. My thoughts and prayers are with you both and with good ole Max. You are all special and appreciated. Love and peace to you all. P.S. love the Byron quote, he was one of my poetic heroes in the English lit days of the 70's.

Anonymous said...

Dear Robert & Leslie:
So sad to hear about Max. He looked a bit like our old Lab Vader & I know he will be sorely missed. We love our dog so much that 3 or 4 years ago when Pat wanted us to sell the house when things were hopping & he predicted it would be maybe 10 years before those prices would be realized again I did not want to sell & leave the Big dog without his beloved house. Now pat calls him the 400K dog (I think250- 300K) because that is what our house lost in value but he is worth every penny & more. Sorry again about your baby & my run on sentences.
Best, Kim

Anonymous said...

I got a message through the wire that BooBoo refuses to let Max get up on the cloud. Nothing changes.

"It's life's illusions I recall, I really don't know clouds at all'