
Yellow headed blackbird

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Unholy Trinity

                  Buildings, Route 90 © 2009 Robert Sommers

The GOP is enmeshed in a nifty triangulation effort, an undertaking that should be lauded in game theory discussions for years to come. They are trying to entrap the new president in a coalition against the naughty Democrats in Congress, those despicable creatures that didn't get the memo that we were entering a new aquarian age of bipartisanship.

Now any American who has read a newspaper in the last eight years will recognize this blatant attempt at co-opting Obama as a crock of guano. Unfortunately, we live in a land of illiterate imbeciles and plenty will swallow the bait. But I am pretty sure that the president is a savvy political animal who is treading cautiously and can recognize an enemy when he smells one.

I would like to see our leader reach down and feel his cajones a little bit. Find his inner Lyndon Johnson.  He didn't get a single house vote from the other side of the aisle and the stimulus bill still passed. Admittedly, the Senate will be tougher. New RNC chairman Michael Steele is crowing about giving him a goose egg. Barack has already met with more Republicans in the first month than his predecessor did in eight years. (Bush had informal meetings with democrats twice in two terms.) My guess is that he will tailor and water the bill down for these people and they will still give him nothing and basically tell him to shove it up his ass. There's an old Texas saying "You want to fuck or fight?" They want to play obstructionist, let them watch the polls. Let's do it without them. They had their shot, backed their President, pigged out at their troughs for eight years and now they should acknowledge their complicity in the mess they all made.  Publicly, like in China during the cultural revolution.  With scarlet letters, maybe. Then start the inquests.

Their tax cut refrain is getting very tedious. These born again fiscal conservatives. Hannity was on the radio the other day decrying attempts to limit executive compensation. Hey dickwad, it's our money now they are spending on bonuses and lobbying. In the same vein, read a couple bankers in the WSJ the other day who had received over 100 million in TARP aid apiece and yet said that no one was going to tell them to alter their lending strategy. The bailout being the largest socialistic program ever launched to date, close to the whole stimulus package total, and nary a peep from the right.  If you want a good laugh, read any editorial from bankers Bert Ely or Ed Yingold in the Journal.  Of course we want to lend, we're lenders, just as soon as we finish gobbling up our weaker competition.

I am ready to see the streetfighter president tell these self righteous moralizing bastards to pound sand.  In my neighborhood in New York there was no Marquis of Queensbury rules and you didn't want anyone to see you get punked.  They are not your friends - they want to see you fail. They could not care less about the country, they only thirst for power.  Now they say they want to share. Don't buy it. We elected you, we support you, don't be a pussy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Democrats and Republicans should merge and change their names to the DemoCosta RepubaNostra party.