Andrew Card, a former Bush Chief of Staff, is a bit apoplectic about President Obama appearing in the Oval Office without a jacket. "There should be a dress code of respect” in the White House and that he wished Mr. Obama “would wear a suit coat and tie.”
Card is the first former Bushie to lay into the new leader for his breach of patrician protocol. Mr. Card also reportedly said: “The Oval Office symbolizes…the Constitution, the hopes and dreams, and I’m going to say democracy. And when you have a dress code in the Supreme Court and a dress code on the floor of the Senate, floor of the House, I think it’s appropriate to have an expectation that there will be a dress code that respects the office of the President.”
Pat Buchanan has voiced similar misgivings over Obama's sartorial leanings. "Such things aren't done in the Whte House", he sniffed. I can see the Ivy leaguers seething in their gin and tonics. One couldn't expect those kind of people to live in a civilized manner, could we Muffin?
If these a-holes had spent less time playing Mr. Blackwell, and more time watching Bernie Madoff on their watch, maybe the economy and constitution wouldn't be in such shreds right now. I would rather have a president with his shirt sleeves rolled up, ready to kick ass and take names, than some Yale preppie cowboy turned out in his Brooks Brothers suit, ready to do some hard core anal exploration on the American public. Obama could go au natural for all I care.
These patronizing stuffed shirt republicans, in their faux tortoise horned rims, pastel hued polo shirts, with the khaki pants and gucci loafers sans socks, should all go back to Connecticut and maybe commit hari kari. Your myopia has done enough damage, Emily Posts, go away and leave us alone.
Oh and here's a picture of both Reagan and Bush with their jackets off in the White House. Can't wait for the apology.

Here, Here!!
Have you heard Cheney's latest rantings about how the Obama Administration is going to leave us open to terrorist attacks???
Go away, you DICK!!!!!
"To see a socialist in your dreams, your unenvied position among friends and acquaintances is predicted. Your affairs will be neglected for other imaginary duties."
Gustavus Hindmann Miller
"Ten Thousand Dream Interpreted"
For christ sakes, he had his sleeves buttoned and was wearing a tie. Not like he was wearing a hang 10 and his zorries...
i love it, Mr. Blackwell and "hard core anal exploration" in the same paragraph, i'm liking this post more and more...sorry about my previous comment, about seeing socialists in dreams, it was apropos of nothing, i just wanted to share...
I liked it Grumps, fit in well in a dadaistic sense.
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