
Yellow headed blackbird

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Where's my bail out?

First the banks, then the insurance companies, then big auto, housing, commercial real estate. Homeowners. Cat Lovers. Larry Flint says that the libido of the american citizen needs a lift and wants a porn bail out. The Arts. Manufacturers want to make sure that they can keep getting cheap off shore textiles and I see that they have their collective mitts out.   There is a new NASDAQ index for TARP recipients that is already sinking unfortunately.  But it doesn't take a brain surgeon to see that they are far more takers than we have money to lend - so people might want to tighten their belts and figure another way out.

It is also a little depressing to see that Democrats are behaving like the folks across the aisle in so quickly condemning Obama's picks.  Panetta, Gupta, Brennan, etc.  I think that he will get enough crap from Republicans and that Feinstein and Conyers should give the guy a little break for a while.  These picks seem fine to me.  Jeepers!

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