
Yellow headed blackbird

Sunday, January 4, 2009

WAR - Why Can't We Be Friends?

Like cat's sleeping with dogs or lions and lambs giving each other clandestine back rubs, with St. Barack the Magic Negro's reign about to begin, War's aquarian message of love and harmony resonates louder than ever.


grumpy said...

"St. Barack the Magic Negro"?...excuse me.....

Blue Heron said...
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Blue Heron said...

I can't exactly take credit for the phrase, a creation of Chip Saltzman from the RNC, but sine I am already offending people, I thought "what the hell."

Anonymous said...

Actually, the "Magic Negro" comment came out of an article that appeared in the L.A. Times during the Presidential campaign. Good ol' Rush Baby picked it up and had his song and dance man make up a song called "Barack the Magic Negro". The RNCs Saltzman picked up on this and tried to make himself famous by circulating the song among RNC members. Wonder why the Republicans are heading toward extinction???