
Yellow headed blackbird

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Texas, how I hate thee...

The sun rise, the sun set, we're still in Texas yet...

Texas, I hate you for your miles without end of piss colored scrub
for free 72 ounce steaks
for your shitty interstate with the miles of strangulating concrete barricades beyond count
for Karl Rove and your adopted son from Crawford
for Belching Duellies and prissy Escalades
for your polluted skies and
fetid water
for platinum blondes with big hair
and the compliant husbands
with the packers and the wrangler jeans
that walk like they've all been sodomized
for big oil
and little dicks
that hide behind dinner plate sized beltbuckles
for elvin hayes who stopped alcindor's streak
for 867 miles of boredom in traversing your god forsaken ground
for Ozona and Kent and Katy and the stinking gulf
for Charles Whitman and Ima Hogg and Tom Landry
blow dryers and transams
The bug killer Tom Delay
Anna Nicole and Walker, Texas Ranger
Hormone fed beef
Phil Gramm and Lee Harvey Oswald
Dr Pepper and Armadillos
poor whitetail that run from
your stupid hunters.

You did have Molly Ivins, Janis Joplin, Ralph Yarborough and Bonnie Parker. You still have Hightower and Jimmy Dale Gilmour and Joe Ely and Austin and good brisket. But I rue the day I will have to set foot here again.


Anonymous said...

Texas has the U.S.'s best towers and book supositories for target practice. Don't forget CIA stripper king Jack Ruby, shitty 4 lb. Fuddrucker burgers, Wall St. insider Mark Cuban and Jerry Jones and the Dallas Fucking Cowboys with it's silicone cheerleaders.

Carrie Repking said...

Locusts, too dry, too humid,
too big

Blue Heron said...

My wife wanted to know what I had against armadillos and must admit it was a gratuitous slap on my part and undeserved. I would like to humbly apologize to the whole armadillo community. I am forever your servant.