
Yellow headed blackbird

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Okahumpka, FL

I am sitting in a dreary rest stop off the Florida Turnpike near Ocala. I have my big jewish Michael Bloomfield hair thing going and I think I am scaring the natives. The Sirius radio stopped working for some reason and I am afraid I will be channel surfing for the next several thousand miles. I caught an interesting mambo/40's show on a christian nation and listened to the Gaylords and Rosemary Clooney. This stuff may soon be lost to the dustbin of time. Lots of Barack haters on the two bit right wing channels, small town hatemongerers honing their talons.

I just heard that it was thirty years ago this hour that the Challenger spacecraft went down and the synchronicity is jarring because I just passed the Kennedy Space Center. Dark storm clouds are brewing in the skies on this cold day. Don't know how far I can travel or exactly what I am traveling into but such is life, no?


wave_man said...

Sirius is mind-numbing. I am glad it died. You can enjoy the serendipity of localism for a few thousand miles. Challenger went down when I was about 19 years old, I am turning forty-three in March, something about the numbers are wrong. I was getting ready to go back to Ventura JC (you went there too, way before me, right?) after flunking out of UCSD and unsuccessful efforts at shtupping rich girls in Palo Alto.

Anyway, enjoy the true pastiche of Americana on the radio. There are worse curses.


grumpy said...

there must be an NPR station you can tune in..i was kidding about the guitars, not about the donut cushion, however..just don't eat the food and drink bottled water and you'll be fine, i hope to, well, whatever...

Blue Heron said...

Brother John - maybe I had the year wrong but the hour right. Google it for me. Hope all is ok with you and the family. I had dinner with Barbara last night.

