
Yellow headed blackbird

Friday, January 23, 2009

Obama's blackberry question

There is a hue and cry brewing over Obama holding on to his blackberry during his presidency. Now I think that since the past administration generally thumbed its nose at and made mincemeat of the Presidential Records Act, it takes real chutzpah to challenge Obama on this one.  Much of the Bush dirty work was done on RNC blackberry's so Barack has a historical precedent to follow.

I have a Blackberry 8830 world phone and think I know why he doesn't want to give up his crackberry.  He probably plays Brickbreaker. Brickbreaker is a cool little game on the phone that is so intoxicating that I find myself playing on the john, in the middle of the night, driving, etc.  You send a ball hurtling towards various stacks of bricks with an arsenal of tools at your side.  You try to stay away from the bane of the brickbreaker, the dreaded flip. There are various levels and the great players score in the millions.  My best score is a measly 11,625.  When I replaced the phone, an event that causes you to lose your score, the cocky young guy at Verizon looked at my brickbreaker score and sadly shook his head, saying "that's just not good enough, man". 

 I have never been a video game player and I don't know how they get through the more dastardly levels, but some do and my hat is off to the victors.  I meet casual players that score 10 or 15,000 more points than I do and it is hard to hide my shame and envy.  No wonder the economy is in such shit shape, everyone is fooling around on their phones.  To put 100 or 200 thousand points up must require a level of indolence not seen since Maynard G. Krebs. When I see people with Blackberries, I try to subtly check out their scores if I can. My action is a little slow on my roller ball. Don't know if I can oil it up. I hear that it might be easier to play on the new Storm.

I hope that the White House Press Corps can dig in on this issue and see if Numero Uno is a brickbreaker guy - inquiring minds want to know.


Anonymous said...

You must be bored out of your friggin skull, when you start blogging about playing brickbreaker in the john!............

Blue Heron said...

You're right - I am. I just discovered that the east coast buyer is as typically loathsome as the west coast buyer. My hatred for humanity is on the ascent. Actually sold a couple things today - the economy has just blown every one away. Cut prices, roll on the floor and pee on myself for their entertainment.

Anonymous said...

Nice bit of writing! you are interesting, funny and full of self loathing.... I dont always read on time but catchup later. I am just back from Thailand and have to go back because I left something there!.................... my fuckin heart!


Blue Heron said...

If you can't be with the one you love, loathe the one you're with...thanks for writing, M - I wish that we spoke more often - deep down I think we have a similar affliction/predilection which makes you one of the few people who could probably actually understand me. My divorce therapist way back when said that the childhood wounds I endured (abusive alky dad - uncaring mother) made me seek refuge in my intellect. I don't think we ever really heal - a bunch of emotionally retarded seven year olds in old man bodies.

Anonymous said...

With a miserable prick on your hands.