
Sandhill crane

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

booshie boosh

Margaret Spellings has an editorial out today giving the new Secretary of Education advice on what policies to continue in the department.  Last week Homeland Security Mocker Michael Chertoff weighed in and let the world know that they were still ready for any invasion, seemingly disturbed that he never got to show off his wartime moxie.  But he cautioned the new guy not to make any big changes. The V.P. says not so fast on getting rid of Guantanamo and the rough stuff.  He is working on a new book and has a lot of scores to settle.  I can't wait. Admiral Mullen is offering tips for his successors.  The Bush Administration's farewell and redemption tour is getting awfully tired.  Please all of you - just go away.  Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown and all that but pathetic lie the duncecaps of those who can't figure out that they've been time stamped to oblivion and are now yesterday's news.

You had eight years to muck things up, you succeeded beyond anyone's lowest expectations and now guess what - you are out of power.  So what's the old saying, don't let the screen door hit you on the ass on the way out?  But it takes an incredible amount of hubris to lecture Obama on being bipartisan after your stunning run at centrism.  Even more chutzpah to paint yourselves as fiscal conservatives again.  Think people are really stupid enough to buy it?

If Condi and George are right, they will be throwing flowers at your feet in twenty or thirty years for making all those tough decisions.  Like yesterday's little homage to the energy companies, allowing them to thwart clean air rules by not factoring in aggregate sources of pollution at power plants.  You have shown us such bravery.  And I will be the first to say I was wrong.  But you have to leave and shut up until then.  Promise?

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