There is really no feeling quite so pleasant as being catheterized in one's easy chair, feeling like you have to go, but not being able to get any more satisfaction than the piss poor response of the easy turn spout. I am not good at anesthesia and the wavering effects send me into a nightmare state of dissatisfaction and junkieland.
Looks like a low level malignancy - remaining part of kidney must bid adieu, don't know when. Looking forward to next week's drive to Florida with dread/terror.
"Send lawyers guns and money, the shit has hit the fan"
The inimitable Doctor Zorba, played by Sam Jaffe.
Fortunately, you have two kidneys and, hopefully, #2 is not compromised. Best of luck!!!
You're one of the toughest guys I know, and I am positive you'll be fine - robotic kidney or whatever. Just enjoy Miami Beach even if you're working. We went there for Spring Break with Rodrigo and were pleasantly surprised at what a great time we had.
The road beckons ...
...just visualize whirled peas and everthing will be fine...
You're like a big Jewish Cat. And though you have used up a few of your 9 life's you still got a bunch left. You've been thru all this shit before. I remember when you thought your house had burned down, and the next morning it was still there.
You have an incredible support team in Leslie and friends, and you are the most stubborn person on Earth so you will get through all ordeals.
Good things to come. If I feel sorry for anybody, it will be the poor doctors that have to deal with you!
Nothing worse than a catheter.
I had to have one for over a week and it was hell. Keep strong and good thoughts from me for oncoming medical events.
seriously, it's like KJ says, we're all pulling for you..
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