
Yellow headed blackbird

Saturday, December 27, 2008

The world I live in...

These are really low rez shots of some of the faces in the world of antiques and flea markets in Southern California and the southwest. One day I will get a grip on the technology and figure this stuff out.
This is the first year in over a decade that I have not spent the holiday season in Santa Fe with my comrades. I will miss the plaza, luminarias, trout hash at Pasquales, the sopapillas at Tiny's and the many people that I love.
I am just learning the imovie technology so hope that you can charitably accept this initial effort. These are faces from the life that I inhabit. Many are friends. Life is temporary. Enjoy it!


Anonymous said...

Nice to have friends like you Robert, that really take time out,not only to smell the roses, but to share their beauty with others. We will all miss Don, and your memorial was a tribute to him and all of the other larger than life characters that share in our business.


Anonymous said...

Women say "Where's the Medicine Man? He will cure child, pay lots of Beaver Pelts and Buffalo Hides for insurance."

cryptic messages from the non-dead.

Anonymous said...

Pretty darn good for a first attempt. You have some really good portraits in that bunch.


Blue Heron said...

Thanks for your kind words, Terry. We live such an interesting life in our business, kind of like following the grateful dead around as we go from show to show, and certain people are like essential colors in the sixty four crayon box. And then poof!

I, like most of us, started on the pavement, spending cold nights at the flea market for quite a few years. Many great people continue to live that life. And we know how tough it can be. I hope I don't ever have to go back. Always said that it would be really shitty to get pulled out of a swap meet wearing a toe tag.

But what a rich bunch of scoundrels and cads- somebody needs to write a book.

take care,