
Yellow headed blackbird

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

top ten mass murderers

Juan Corona

I always hated top 10 lists, Robert Hilburn used the artifice ad nauseum, made a career out of it, but in response to Grumpy's hit parade, here goes - forgot the name of the guy who climbed into the University of Texas bell tower - he probably would have made the cut -

1. Ed Gein - Wore his mothers skin - inspiration for movie Psycho
2. Juan Corona - farmworker was so venal they named a cheap mexican beer after him.
3. Charles Manson - loveable old charlie - could reportedly stop a clock with his mind
4. John Wayne Gacy - Kiddie Clown with a nasty disposition
5. Ted Bundy - Ted Bundy was handsome and cultured and charming. Until he was strangling and mutilating his victims, displaying their lopped-off heads in his apartment and sleeping with their corpses until putrefaction made it unbearable. (from Time Magazine)
6. Nightstalker -Kenneth Bianchi and Angelo Buono - killing cousins.
7. Richard Speck - systematically killed eight student nurses.
8. Charles Starkweather - murdered 11 people in two states, accompanied by his underage girlfriend.
9. Jeffrey Dahmer - washed them down with a shot of chianti and fava beans
10.David Berkovitz - adopted, not really jewish - He claimed a demon transmitted orders through his neighbor's dog instructing him to murder. Bad dog.


Anonymous said...

What about the Night Stalker, the Zodiac Killer, Leona Helmsly (who was not Jewish) Gary Gilmor, and Geo W. who killed over 4000 innocent Americans......

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If my last name was Hitler I would change it.

Blue Heron said...

Leona Hemsley might have been a bitch, and didn't treat the help real well, but I don't think she had any notches on her belt.

Anonymous said...

Rob- how can you forget Kinky Friedman's song about the Texas Tower Shooter? ......I remember the line "there was a rumor about a tumor.." I'll look it up tomorrow if you don't pull it today. It's a classic-nearly as good as Kinky's immortal, "They ain't makin' Jews like Jesus anymore" but no, I don't remember his freakin' name either.

Anonymous said...
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grumpy said...

ouch!, if i'd thought my music list would elicit a murderer's list, i would have refrained...since somebody mentioned cookies though, can anyone recommend a good brand of oatmeal cookie? i was hooked on Mother's, but they've gone belly-up...

Blue Heron said...

Gary Gilmore does deserve special status for his classic exit line to the executioner - Let's do it. I remember they made t-shirts up with a bullseye afterwards. Not that it's necessarily germane but I saw in the WSJ the other day that you can buy Helmsley's palatial 45 acre New Jersey estate for a cool 95 million. Don't know if you have to take care f the dog.

Anonymous said...

Here my list of mass murders, who are responsible for more deaths than Hitler.
1 Orville Redenbacher
2 Chef Boyardee
3 Papa John Schnatter
4 Betty Crocker
5 Carl Karcher
6 Mary Sees
7 Harland Sanders
8 Dave Thomas
9 Ray Kroc
10 R.J. Reynolds


Blue Heron said...

Who the fuck is Papa John Schnatter?

grumpy said...

well, yeah, but nobody's forcing you to eat junk food, at least on a regular basis, are they?...tobacco on the other hand is addictive, so RJ Reynolds for sure belongs on the list...

Anonymous said...

Charles Whitman- Austin-U of T shooter;

Anonymous said...

Grump the Impeller

grumpy said...

if your intent is to include me in this shameful roster, i am impelled to state that i do not appreciate it...

Anonymous said...

Grumpy, Don't write the lines if you can't do the time.......

grumpy said...

just a country boy who calls 'em as i sees 'em...

Anonymous said...
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