
Yellow headed blackbird

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Think Good Thoughts

I ask that you send a blessing out to Tony Maguire in Encinitas. Tony is battling lung cancer and is poised to leave this earthly firmament. A tough irishman, William "Tony" Maguire is an incredible man who spent a lifetime doing things his way. He is a talented writer, photographer, carpenter and free thinker whose homes in California and New Mexico served as way stations and nexus points for hundreds if not thousands of world travelers and gentle free spirits for many decades.  I believe that Tony started a foundation to aid dyslexics, an affliction that he fought. Tony could not only talk the talk but also walk the walk.

Tony was the founding publisher and I believe editor of the San Diego Door underground newspaper in the sixties. This was not an easy job in our conservative burg but they were there at the front lines of several scandals including the Yellow Cab scandal and the C. Arnholt Smith debacle. I can remember being a kid and seeing a swarthy dangerous character handing them out at the San Diego Zoo. Maybe it was Tony? This underground newspaper was a starting point of employment for many fine muckrakers including Larry Remer and Cameron Crowe.

Tony's home is a mutating, morphing thing of wonder with nary an orthodox wall in sight. He has a tremendous sense of style and a love for chaos that I share. He has a son Anthony and a loving companion Robin.  If he does make an exit, as we all eventually shall, he will be missed.

"May the four winds blow you safely home"

1 comment:

grumpy said...

my prayers go out to Tony and his loved ones, thanks for sharing his story with us...