©2008 Robert Sommers
I got a letter from the People for the American Way today complaining about Obama's choice of Rick Warren for some invocation because of his supposedly intolerant views on Gays. Every day some liberal special interest group is weighing in with a critical blow by blow on his choice for appointees. Bitch, Bitch, Bitch. You voted for him, he's not your property. Hopefully, if you give him a chance, he will help correct some of the ills of Washington. In a remarkably post-partisan way. But he will do it his way and he owes you nothing.
Back off and let the guy work. Rick Warren is about the least noxious pastor you could find. He has a view you don't share. It's an invocation - Obama's not naming him the American Pope. Let it go. Stop tilting at every bogeyman you think you see in every windmill. It is quite apparent that liberals can be just as tendentious and obnoxious as their conservative counterparts. The President-elect can't make the mistake his predecessor did and govern from the western edge. We truly need everyone pulling the oars at the same time. This means you won't get everything you want. Get over it.
Sorry Bob-RIck Warren is not a good choice for this. The president is entitled to use whomever, but it does make it right. He has extreme views on equal protection. This started with Reagan using Billy Graham who was a known anti semite. It was his right, but it did not make it right, (nor did going to Bitberg.)(
I think it is great that we can criticize the president where and when we wish.
Damn anyone suggesting otherwise-
Stan S
My jewish sister who is an accountant in Florida has to go into these redneck florida towns where she gets to hold hands and sing what a friend we have in jesus with the local yokels at public meetings. It doesn't rub off, she hasn't joined the klan yet.
We have to stop with the petty litmus tests. I don't know enough about Rick Warren, I guess, but he doesn't seem half as bad as most of those guys. And I think all marriage should be illegal.
Let the slack begin!!! He can do anything he wants, cuz he's O'Righteous! Got to be something to what he's doing cuz he's O'Bitchin! He'll stay in Iraq, Afghanistan, Gitmo cuz he's the O'Messiah! And don't you fergit it. Next, David Duke to replace J.P.Stevens cuz he's O'mniscient!
Rick Warren seems to be a very decent person... he just does not agree with those who support the idea of gay marriage. Is that so bad??? I tend to agree with the Blue Heron's thoughts on marriage.
Actually, here is my idea on marriage: take the state totally out of the business of approving of marriages. The state should only recognize civil unions. "Marriages" would be performed and recognized by churches only. Marriage comes out of the church historically so let them be the institution that recognizes marriage or not, if a particular church so chooses. Individuals who have their relationships codified by the state as civil unions would have all of the same rights as married people presently have. This might actually make most of the people happy!!! ( Oh, I wish it so!!)
I am so liberal many consider me a deep shade of pinko. But I think that anyone who views the next four or eight years as payback time (or our turn at the trough) will be sadly mistaken. I read this morning that Obama is the first candidate that has risen above the Vietnam dialogue and schism that has governed most of our lives. I hope that the excesses of the "Great Society" are also exorcised. We need to be able to pay for things that we want and the burden must be fairly shared and carried.
Posted comments just don't get it. Obama has an intelligent plan to pull this shattered nation together. Sorry Gala people, there are way more straight Christians than gay and lesbians that the Obama Administration needs to pull into Obama's ideas. Obama has stressed to the American public that he intends to be a bi-partisan President for all of America.
BHB is right Obama owes no one group more rights than any other. Obama has said he supports gay rights and I feel he is a man of his word. Nuff said.
If Barack Obama feels compelled to ask Rick Warren at his Inauguration, then the Gay Community should just accept this decison regardless of what Rick Warren's ideas about gays are. Obama cannot please every American with every decison he makes.
If you're a pinko, Trotsky was John Birch!!
I am trying to understand - does that mean that I'm redder than trotsky? Holy moly!
Hey Sanoguy-does anyone know where the government took up the position that is has anything to do with this question of marriage. Where does the constitution suggest this....isn't this like the Pilgrims from way back when? My issue with Warren is that he pretends to be unbiased on the subject of Equal Rights. If you look at his following, forget it. What equal rights? A room full of people who do not believe you are a good person unless you take a bath with them. You know what kind of bath I mean, and not that there is anything wrong with it.....
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