
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, December 8, 2008

Monkey Man


grumpy said...

this is good, not familiar with the song, it must be fairly recent...David Sylvian and Robert Fripp did one together called "God's Monkey", that i like better...

Blue Heron said...

recent as in thirty ears ago, grumpster - best track on Let it Bleed. You have earned a serious demerit buster. While you were out listening to the Von Trapp family with their cowbells, these guys were kicking serious booty. Just kidding, the blast is all about a serious arts education.

grumpy said...

guilty as charged, how will i ever live this down?, the shame, the shame...but why you be dissin' on the Van Trapps? even 'Trane covered "My Favorite Things", he musta saw something in 'em

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute. Let me get this straight. You're saying a Stones album qualifies as serious art?

Blue Heron said...

Mick Taylor Stones, yes... (who mentioned serious art?)

grumpy said...

so what was Brian, chopped liver?...early Stones were best, yo creo...