Well if we can get off tennis for a moment, here's a new one, a corrupt politician from Illinois. Next thing you know, they'll be sending astronauts to the moon. As Captain Renault said in Casablanca, I'm shocked, shocked. Blago was trying to peddle a vacant Senate seat to the highest bidder and they evidently frown upon things like that in some circles.
My republican pals are emailing me and positively giddy - hey look, we can be just as venal and mercenary as you guys, we just don't hide behind the flag or the bible when we go astray. Rod can join the old Republican Governor, George Ryan, in the big house for daily strategy sessions.
The people and papers in Chicago had this guy figured out a long time ago and good riddance to garbage. Now the GOP can use every outlandish tool at their disposal to try to link him to the President - elect.
I find the gnashing of teeth over Obama's cabinet appointments pretty ludicrous as well. His much too centrist selections are not a problem with real people, just stupid talking heads like Dick Morris. They created a caricature of him pre election and now he's not cooperating. Remember, he was a stealth Marxist before the election, now he's a closeted Republican who's stealing their positions and thunder.
Frankly, most Americans don't care, just pray to god he can fix this mess and worry about who gets the credit and blame later. End of sermon. Match. Point. Back to tennis, I guess.
1 comment:
by all means, let's get off the topic of tennis...so Rush and his clones are bashing the P-E over some slimy gov?, big deal, it amazes me people even listen to these blowhards anyways, it's downright sad and scary too...right on blue heron, game set match, in your favor...
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