It is with great sadness that we share the news that Don Baughman of Somers, Montana has passed away. They found Don slumped over his desk, I believe on Christmas Eve. Don owned the Flathead Gallery and was one of the nicest people that you would ever want to meet anywhere and an expert in the Native American antiquities field. Don was very happy to share information with the uneducated and was a true brother. I first met Don in Highbridge Park in Spokane in 1974. We met again in adulthood through John Morris's Antiquities Shows in Santa Fe. Would often reminisce about the old days.
He has helped me more times than I can remember and was a friend to all. He raised two great sons, Trask and Jesse. It won't be the same without his aquiline profile, tall presence and broad smile.
God bless you, Don. Many of us loved you and we all mourn your passing. Hope to see you in the sweet bye and bye.
Robert Sommers

Thank you for the Blackfoot story of old man and old woman. It helps me understand.
The moon is beautiful tonight. It has a star next to it that I have never seen before.
There is a silence now.
RL will forever be missed here.
I always enjoyed getting to see Donald. His presence was not one usually encountered, but most often greatly appreciated.
I am sure he is enjoying his new found freedom and returning to the ancestors. He will be missed, but never forgotten.
Michael, Santa Fe
A memorial gathering to honor Donald Baughman & celebrate his life will be held at the Hockaday Museum of Art on Saturday January 24 from 5-7.
The Baughman family asks that memorial donations be made to the Hockaday Museum of Art attn: Donald Baughman Memorial Fund. All donations to this fund will be spent for the further development & enhancement of the Hockaday museum's Native Perspectives Exhibition Program, which Donald strongly advocated, supported and advised during his lifetime.
Hockaday Museum of Art
302 Second Ave East
Kalispell, Mt. 59901
Donald James Baughman
Wednesday, January 07 2009 @ 06:15 PM MST
Contributed by: Admin
Donald James Baughman of Somers, Montana, died at home of natural causes, on December 23, 2008.
Don was born on September 13, 1956, in Houghton, Michigan, and was raised in Missoula, Montana. From a very early age he pursued what would become a lifelong passion for Native American history, books, art and antiques.
Don was also an avid outdoorsman. Through his late teens and 20's he roamed the northwest working in the timber industry and other odd jobs. After a summer of working the pea canneries in Redlodge, MT, he was simply known to many of us, as Redlodge. Don always took the road less traveled; meandering along back roads, frequenting every book shop, auction house and antique store that crossed his path. He will be greatly missed by the many unique and colorful people met on those back roads.
In his early 30's Don hung up his cork boots to seriously pursue a career buying, selling and appraising fine art and antiques. During the late 1980's he owned and operated Legend and Lore Books and Antiques in Alberton, Montana.
In the 1990's he worked in Santa Fe, New Mexico art galleries and participated in major tribal art shows on both the east and west coasts. In 1999 he settled along the shores of Flathead Lake in Montana to write a weekly column for Discovery.com called, The Appraiser's Corner. A few years later he opened, The Flathead Gallery, in Somers, Montana.
Don was a full member of the Antique Tribal Art Dealer Association, a Member of Technical Advisory Service Association, a Candidate Member of the American Society of Appraisers, and an associate board member of the Hockaday Art Museum. For eighteen years he operated Donald James Baughman Antiques, Arts and Appraisals, diligently working with museums, estates and private collectors. Don dedicated his life to his work; but his two sons were his greatest source of pride and joy.
Don is survived by his sons, Trask Adams Baughman and Jesse Robert Baughman, both of Missoula, Montana; his father, Robert Baughman of Portland, Oregon; and his brother, Dave Baughman of Atlanta, Georgia. He is preceded in death by his mother, Marylou Baughman of Fox Island, Washington.
The Baughman family asks gifts in Don's memory be made to the Hockaday Museum of Art - Attention: Donald Baughman Memorial Fund. All donations to this fund will be spent for the further development and enhancement of the Hockaday Museum's Native American Perspectives Exhibition Program, which Donald strongly advocated, supported and advised during his lifetime.
A memorial gathering to honor Donald Baughman and celebrate his life will be held at the Hockaday Museum of Art on Saturday, January 24 from 5pm - 7pm, 302 Second Ave East, Kalispell, MT 59901.
For more information visit Don's memoriam website, http://www.thesweetgrasshills.org.
Hey, I can't view your site properly within Opera, I actually hope you look into fixing this.
I found this site more or less by accident. I have known R.L. since his tree planting days. He used to stop and visit me in Oregon every time he came thru. I haven't seen him for a couple of years and he wasn't answering my emails so I finally googled him. That was how I found out my dear friend is dead. Even tho I only saw him once a year I miss him more then words will ever convey. Ride the wind my friend and I will see you in our next lives.
I know grandfather and grandmother are watching over you my friend. I miss you more then words will ever convey.
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