
Yellow headed blackbird

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Dissed by the Pros

There is a blogger heirarchy.  On the top of the blog pyramid are guys like Drudge, Kos, Huffington Post and Talking Points Memo. I find Kos to be real boring - same for Real Clear Politics and Politico but like the other ones a lot. Drudge is rabid but quite the clearinghouse for information. Really they're all electronic magazines with lots of employees and funding at this level.

A second tier might be Firedoglake and Crooks and Liars. The latter runs a blog roundup periodically.  I stuck a Sarah Silverman video up courtesy of Frazer in Seattle and they linked to it a few months ago and I got an enormous number of hits on my nascent blogsite.  For which I am very grateful.  The Blue Heron Blast, is a bottom rung, sort of fifth tier compendium of music, arts, politics and popular culture that doesn't take itself all that seriously. But does have a chip on it's shoulder. A david complex, if you will.

Like an adolescent who won't stop following his older brother around, I started pestering Crooks and Liars , sending them posts and blasts every day until he finally sent me an email to wise up and stop bothering him - he has to wade through tons of blogs every day.  I apologized to Mike and tried to ease up on my submissions, to curb my lusty need for a few more national hits.

The other day after what I thought was a decent and appropriate interlude, I sent my post about the Andrew Ferguson cover on the Smithsonian (a literary gem if I may say so) and got a terse reply that it would go in his next "holy crap" blog.  After a few minutes of cogitation I realized that he was calling it complete shit.  I have hereby sworn off pandering to the big guys.  My blog gets plenty of hits, nationally and internationally and I will no longer kiss any heinie.

Besides my blog is a lot more fun.


grumpy said...

as Vic the Brick would say, "we kiss no one's toukas"...

Blue Heron said...

At the risk of sounding ethnically divisive, old grumps, you don't have a tuchas- you're an episcopalian (or anglican, I can never get it straight.) You have a butt, rear-end, fanny or at an appropriate time, keister. Please refrain from the yiddish until you can show me a note from a rabbinical authority.

grumpy said...

will Jesus do? all seriousness aside, i have much fondness for yiddish expressions, ie kibbosh, mensch, kishkas, verklemt,nd yes tuchas...btw, i'm just a Christian now...

Anonymous said...

What's up with the racial cleansing?
If Grumpy wants somebody to kiss his tuchas he needs to take 2 showers each morning to make sure it is clean.

grumpy said...

there's a water shortage, haven't you heard? two showers would be wrong...