There have been so many jokes and the whole Iraqi shoe throwing incident is now late night television fodder and a big old thigh slapper. But I really admire the guy who vented his rage and anger. Knowing that he would be shot or subdued in this public theater. Guess he's had a few bones broken in custody already. He could have easily used a gun but decided to throw his shoes. Interesting. The bottom of the feet is taboo in much of asia and the middle east. His gesture was rich in symbolism. Why have no Americans had the balls to toss a florsheim or two in the last eight years?
I looked up the confirmed Iraqi civilian casualty body count today since the beginning of the war here. And I have to ask myself if I was an Iraqi, how would I feel about the man from Crawford laying my country upside down, two million people displaced, with a protracted civil war between the three enemy groups still yet to come? Prick dictator that he was, Saddam, like Tito, was the only guy who could maybe keep the festering rage between the sects from boiling over. Albeit with some very nasty means. Maybe someone will come over and liberate the Native American Indian soon? Will we be cool with that?
For a guy who owned a baseball team Bushie sure looks like a deer caught in the headlights. Frankly, he's cowering like a baby. The prime minister looks like he has good hands. The Padres need a shortstop. Quid Pro Quo?
Bush's reflexes ducking those well aimed projectiles were pretty good. Too bad his mental reflexes seem to nonexistant - see F 9/11
Keith Olbermann at MSNBC summed up the Iraqi reporters outburst; left shoe then right shoe equals fair and balanced reporting!
Bush's legacy will be his foot in the mouth speeches. Maybe he needed some new shoes?
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