
Yellow headed blackbird

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Bobby McFerrin does Bach

Partita 3 violin


grumpy said...

i want to like McFerrin, he seems like a genuinely nice and good person and he as an amazing, if unusual, talent, but somehow i can't, maybe you have to see him in person to appreciate him, i don't know...i'd rather hear Bach played on the spoons, or the harmonica...

NYSTAN said...

who is this lameass named grumpy?

As we used to say back home when a person said something mindless like that, the retort was,

Blue Heron said...

he probably doesn't think much of you, either.

Blue Heron said...

wow, Stan, simultaneous identical postings - spooky.

grumpy said...

"all these people that you mention/yes i know them they're quite lame/i have to rearrange their faces/and give them all another name"

you're right Stan, i am mindless, and proud of it....

NYSTAN said...

Bobby is a really sweet guy. That comment was so inappropriate....'I want to like McFerrin....' Who writes this stuff?

Blue Heron said...

Forgive him father, he knows not what he spaketh...As a reactive guy, I understand the disease but sheeesh!

grumpy said...

Stan, my brother, i agree with you, Bobby seems like a really sweet guy, and i said as much in my earlier comment, i don't see however how my saying "i want to like him" is inappropriate, obviously you are a fan of his, so be it, God bless you for it, maybe i'm just reacting to the whole "don't worry be happy" thing, i don't know, i've been wrong before, go with God....

grumpy said...

on further thought...if Bobby McFerrin's highly unusual and very original vocalizations can bring one, just one, person to a deeper appreciation of Johann Sebastian Bach, the greatest musical genius the human race has ever produced, it would be worth it.

NYSTAN said...

anybody out west interested in a nice bridge...I have one for sale.

Blue Heron said...

I don't want to play Blog Nazi Dictator, but it is my blog and I think it is important to note that when I post something, either at the request of someone or on my own, it is because I/we think it has value. I think that we should refrain from yes/no autonomic reflexive commentary that serves no purpose. If it's not your cup of tea, just stop watching reading. I could post a picture of a bowl of strawberry ice cream and you might go, oh my god, I love chocolate but the reality is no one gives a shit.

grumpy said...

i can dig it, but what's the point in having a blog if you can't respond? isn't the original blog, yours, mine or whoever's, just a starting point, a launching pad, for whatever commentary us lunkheads care to make? as long as we can disagree in a more or less civil way, what the hey?

Blue Heron said...

Maybe It's time to start your own blog. I said two weeks ago that I wasn't comfortable with a public reactive dialogue between us and I don't feel its necessary to comment on everything. I am happy to show you how to set one up - takes half an hour.
