Saturday, November 22, 2008

Surviving the Nuclear Winter

I am a sitting at the Del Mar Fair, trying to hook a bass or a trout. Or a customer, maybe. Times are bleak and I don't think I will make the booth rent. But many of my peers are in the same spot. And I got my wireless card this morning so I can write my blog. Can't be too far from the cyber tether, can we?

I have a business associate that is loading everything up on ebay buy it now for pennies on the dollar. I was making fun of his panic attack last week. Now I'm not sure if the choking sound won't soon be emanating from my own gullet.

I have been accused of not being a happy blogger and been implored to write more feel good stuff but think it will have to wait for another day.

Zounds - I just sold a painting, hot damn! Can't be depressed - gotta run...Blog will have to wait until another day.


grumpy said...

stop worrying, you'll be fine....

grumpy said...

on second thought, be afraid, be very afraid...

grumpy said...

sorry, Rob, disregard if you can the two moronic comments above, i know you're stuggling along with the rest of us and i'm wrong to make light of it... fortunately, unlike the grumpmeister, you're a very smart guy and have beaucoup energy besides (despite your recent health scares), so i have faith that you will steer HMS Blue Heron through the current perilous economic waters to better days, may we all be so lucky...