Ruben Navarette is upset that Obama passed over latino Bill Richardson for Secretary of State. I know Richardson, like Richardson and gave him money this cycle. But no way does he have the muscularity of Clinton in this position. I think Commerce will be a waste of his substantial skills but what do I know? Certainly Hillary has that Gravitas stuff everyone seems to be talking about.
Feminists are outraged that there aren't more woman in cabinet positions. Republicans are demanding GOP appointees, lest Obama fail to be post partisan in a way that their current leader never even considered . I haven't made a yid head count myself. Brennan was chased from the CIA spot because he wasn't liberal enough for the Daily Kos. Eric Holder is an African American attorney general in case anyone is keeping count.
Can we just give it all a break and let this guy put together his team, regardless of gender, creed, color, liberalism quotient and political favors owed? I think that it will be a good mix of highly competent public servants. Can we get beyond identity based scorecard politicking? It's time to grow up. No idiots, no bigots, just effective pragmatic human beings. That will work for me.
An all-black, I mean African-American, cabinet. Now that would be cool.
I can see Hillary at the helm of Health and Human Services, not State.
France has a minister of culture, do they not? We should have the same. Robert, I nominate you for that post.
The "muscularity" of Clinton is her biggest problem as Secretary of State from my point of view. She may not be as awful as Clinton's appointments (the doddering, hapless Warren Christopher and the proudly ignorant Madeleine Allbright), but I've seen no evidence that she is a diplomat.
Richardson simply would have been a superior choice, regardless of his ethnic roots.
I do think that Clinton would be effective and, perhaps, brilliant on the Supreme Court.
Hmmm- I think that muscularity is a double edged sword. Strasser in the WSJ this week says that Obama essentially neutralizes her from being an opponent in four years with this move. I think that her love of country might even trump her ambition but then again, I'm a romantic.
This is what worries me about Hillary. She is already jockeying for position in 2012. Talk about a lust for power.
I don't know that she already is. I think that people assume that she already is and that does her a disservice.
Robert, that picture of the sunset is pretty, but it's also a bit ominous. Are you feeling ok? I think we all worry about you.
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