Twenty thousand supporters of gay rights showed up in San Diego this weekend to march in the wake of the passage of Proposition 8. I was astounded by the number of people. I was not one of them. There has been a heavy backlash against the Catholic and Mormon Church for months for their support of the bill. Doug Manchester's Hyatt Hotel and Hoehn Motors in Carlsbad are two businesses that have been targeted for their principal's large donations to the campaign.
I personally think that all marriage should be illegal. It is statistically proven that it is the leading contributor to divorce. Or at least as John Cleese says, make it like a dog license, renewable every five years unless there are children around. It has certainly destroyed a lot of great relationships. I know that crane's mate for life but its a little tougher for homo sapiens.
The culture war is definitely back on and I would like to pull off a few scabs if I may. I was talking to a mormon friend the other day about the gay marriage thing and said that I didn't have a problem with it, why shouldn't they be as miserable as the rest of us, (it's a joke honey, okay)? We got through the bullshit and down to brass tacks and he said "Robert, do you know what those people do after dark?" Did I know about the tremendous violence inherent in gay relationships? No, I did not and I think frankly that it is a load of crap. Promiscuous yes, violent no. I pointed out that the majority of pedophiliac incidents are opposite sex oriented and that most of my gay couple friends' relationships lasted longer or certainly as long as my straight couple friends. And the domestic violence statistics among heteros are nothing to crow about.
The interesting thing is that he wasn't against gay marriage, he was against gays themselves, and a behavior that he felt was abhorrent. Now there are many gay mormons, ex or current that would probably differ with his feelings but I think that they are widely prevalent. I find it interesting that when randy liberals stray it is most often with members of the opposite sex, when conservative congressman's peccadilloes are uncovered, it tends to be some torpid gay thing. Can you spell repression and denial? Proposition 8 passed because it's proponents superbly sold the case that elementary schools would be used as incubators in order to educate young children about the great joy of gay love.This false canard awoke terror in every homophobe's breast and doomed the opposition.
There are a bunch of anecdotal stories out about racial incidents popping up post election, mostly in the south. Still the same old south, except for Northern Virginia, which is now apparently, well, north. White people are worried that blacks will get uppity and lord over them now that they have the upper hand. And I'm thinking, you mean show the same behavior that you have shown them? Isn't payback a bitch?
Do you remember when Bush gave tax breaks to the racist Bob Jones University? This administration has helped perpetuate an environment where it was intolerant to hate intolerance. Where federal funds could be used by companies and creeds that practiced discrimination because of their religious beliefs. This will be a difficult web to untangle. But rest assured that if your company, church or synagogue helps foster hatred, it is my right to boycott and protest and I hope it hits you square in the wallet. You have a right to your beliefs, both personal and religious, as do I, but when they infringe on my space and we don't have an agreement, I would appreciate you taking them elsewhere.
So we are back to old paradigms, that stubbornly refuse to shift. But now an extremely intelligent uberblack president to give the thing a unique twist. Conservatives and Republicans will grit their teeth and wait for an opportunity to lash out for the first failure of the new administration and hope that they can reclaim their mantle on the next pendulum swing. We do not have the capacity to speak to each other civilly any longer, let alone have understanding or empathy for each other's positions.
I hope that Barack Hussein Obama is up to the task ahead because it is an extraordinary and difficult time and it is going to take an extraordinary leader to extricate us from our dilemma.
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ReplyDeleteYou tell 'em Rob, who cares if a couple homos want to go recite bad poetry in front of friends and family. Do you know what happens at my house after the lights go out? It's horrifying, but involves screaming midgets with poopy pants. Mormon houses are rife with these too.
ReplyDeleteIt is really hard to believe we still have such shame around sexuality, whether it is our own, or the shame we project onto others. Being a native Californian, I have to say I am appalled by what happened. I do, however, understand that by making it about a person being gay rather than a right that can be shared happily (or more often less so) by all, they found the way to hit the fear button.
ReplyDelete"If you don't believe in gay marriage, don't marry one" Whoopie Gooldberg
"Do you remember when Bush gave tax breaks to the racist Bob Jones University?"
ReplyDeleteNo. Remind me. I have no idea what you are talking about.
So the president of a super-secretive paranoid religious cult (whose founder had 55 wives) instructs his followers to contribute (22+ million dollars) to deny rights to some that are freely given to others? And the most money came from outside California, which only has a 2% Mormon population? And now these assholes don't understand why they must pay the piper and be outed as the bigoted, ignorant pieces of shit that they are? Take off your white sheets - wake up and smell the latte, Mr. Hinkley!
ReplyDeleteOh, I almost forgot - Mr. Hinkley died and was replaced by LDS President Monson. Sorry, fuckface. MEA CULPA!
ReplyDeleteBob Jones University is a racist, anti-catholic university. Bush spoke there in 2000.
ReplyDelete"We basically accept that there are three races--Caucasians, Negroes and Orientals. Caucasians can't date Orientals. Orientals can't date Caucasians, and neither of them can date Negroes."
--Bob Jones III, president, Bob Jones University.
The dating policy, which forbids inter-racial dating, is believed by university leaders to be a biblically based injunction, has been in effect since the fundamentalist school was started more than 70 years ago by the first of three Bob Joneses to serve consecutively as president. The discriminatory policies and religious intolerance of Bob Jones University have earned that South Carolina institution a national reputation for clinging to some of the worst vestiges of the Old South.
Bush's willingness to speak at the university created controversy that followed his 2000 campaign. Critics said he should have spoken out against the school's statements on Catholicism. The school's founder has criticized the pope and has called the Catholic Church a "Satanic cult."
In 1983, the Supreme Court upheld an IRS decision to deny Bob Jones tax-exempt status because of its discriminatory policies.The IRS sought to revoke the tax-exempt status of Bob Jones University in 1975 because the school's regulations forbade interracial dating; African Americans, in fact, had been denied admission altogether until 1971, and it took another four years before unmarried African Americans were allowed to enroll. The university filed suit to retain its tax-exempt status, although that suit would not reach the Supreme Court until 1983 (at which time, the Reagan administration argued in favor of Bob Jones University). Bush spoke at the University as did John Ashcroft. But I must admit that I was mistaken for citing Bush with the tax exemption repeal when it was in fact Reagan.
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ReplyDeleteRobert, keep ‘em coming; fun; challenging………. In church this Sunday we got in small prayer groups; and I prayed for President Elect Obama; and a young girl (maybe 18 years old) actually would not talk to me after. Hmmm. There’s intolerance on both sides; right and left. Like the infamous Rodney King said, “can’t we all just get along?”. Glad you are back in the saddle heath wise…………… Peace & Freedom, Joe
ReplyDeleteThanks Joe, I agree there is plenty of intolerance to go around on both sides of the issues of the day. We objectify and demonize those that don't agree with our views. I know that I am guilty of this and need to remind myself to be fair constantly.
ReplyDeleteI was reading a christian blog from Fallbrook yesterday and the woman author was making the point that skin color was not a choice but being gay was. And she bothered me. There is physical scientific evidence that there are physiological differences in the Hypothalamus and other parts of the body that can be scientifically measured in gay people. To discriminate is to be so backward and ignorant in the face of so many studies. Even many supposed ex gay christians have apologized for the idea that homosexuality can be cured by prayer. Let's face it - if you're gay, you're gay.
I think most people want the best for society and mankind in general, give or take a few sociopaths. We just have such different ideas for the best ways of succeeding. I believe it was Jesus of Nazareth who said that he came as a witness and not as a judge, and I think too many of us have become judges.
End of sermon. Take care - glad you are still reading.
"..equality, i spoke the word
ReplyDeleteas if a wedding vow..."
..i can dig it but referring to Obama as "uberblack"? what up wid dat?
ReplyDelete...i thought it was John the Baptist who came as a witness, but i could be wrong, i frequently am...
ReplyDelete...i love the Mama Cass graphic at the bottom, who did it?...
ReplyDeleteRick Griffin - I had never seen it until his retrospective at the Laguna Museum. This is a photo I took of the original artwork. I am what you might call an authority on his work and it was a surprise to me. And if it was John the Baptist instead of Jesus, chalk it up to my jewish naiveté...
ReplyDeleteGriffin, yes, i was hoping it was him, God bless him...