Well it's the second day in pre-office for the President-elect and he still hasn't gotten us out of our economic morass... Left wing bastard. I listened to his acceptance speech with a measure of optimism for bipartisanship in the task of moving forward together in this country.
After listening to Hannity, Limbaugh and their ilk yesterday, I have tempered my hope. My guess is that the next four years will be as nasty as ever. Because people on the fringe can not move to the center without endangering their own power bases. Probably a case of personal economics.
My right wing bud Millard F. was going off yesterday about Robert Kennedy not criticizing Diebold now? There are a lot of bruised feelings and I doubt that they will abate. Once your head has felt the crown - doesn't feel quite right to be working back in the scullery.
Get used to it.
Happy Birthday Bro. Mom might become a great-grandmother today.
ReplyDeleteWatching a sobbing Jesse Jackson at the acceptance speech made me reflect as well. As joyful as the moment was, I - like Jesse, miss Joe The Plumber. I'm sorry...I have to go. Tears are falling on my keypad.
ReplyDeleteIt was like the Cuban misile crisis. We came close to having Mr. Kill and Ms. Drill running our country. John Stewart and Bill Maher lost as much comedy material with the exit of McCain and Sarah as Main St. people lost in the stock market. Soon our great nation will lose the funniest butthead president in the USA's history. Political comedy will never be the same! We will all miss his malaprops and butchering of the English language.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to hear Hannity call O'Bama the anti-Christ or Rush tag Biden as Trotsky. Maybe our next political humorist will be the reporters for FOX TV digging for dirt.
I thought that maybe Jessie was bumming because another brother got to grab the brass ring before he did... Liz, great to hear from you. I'm doing a show in San Francisco.