
Yellow headed blackbird

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Classy Broadside from GOP Women

The Chaffey Community Republican Women, Federated, an Inland Empire of Southern California women's group (Riverside/San Bernardino), sent this mailer out recently depicting Obama with Fried Chicken, Ribs and Watermelon. Oh ya, and food stamps. Hilarious. They have apologized if any one was offended which apparently
wasn't their intent. How could it have been? 

"None of us are racists", a spokesman said. The use of watemelon, ribs and fried chicken was innocent, she said. "Everyone eats these things."

You people are so touchy! That's not the Republican Party I know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My favorite quotes by Republicans I have met:

"It's like apartheid - it may not be the best system, but it works."

"How 'bout that Hank Aaron...is he a credit to his race or what?"