Congressman Charles Rangel got a hand slap. Republicans have a valid point. He should lose his post.
We need more Nuclear power plants. It is the cleanest available resource.
We need to permit Yucca Mountain as a nuclear waste facility. Radioactive waste is building up everywhere and it is the only viable option at this point.
Republicans will have conniptions if a future Democratic Vice President acts in a manner similar to Dick Cheney. His secrecy and weird notion that the VP is not part of the executive branch and Bush's cavalier use of Executive Privilege makes a mockery of any notion of open government.
Obama is chickenshit not to recognize gay marriage.
Chuck Hagel is awesome!
Pakistan's armed forces start shooting at border crossing American soldiers and the whole deal blows up.
Israelis are masters at gaming the system. They will continue to stoke the anti-iranian flames because it is in their self interest to do so. They should take care of matters themselves when the time comes.
My generation has the worst record of parenting skills ever. Many have divested themselves of responsibility and handed it off to their own parents. This is tragic. Methamphetamine use is often at the bottom of the problem.
Schwartzenegger is doing a great job in Sacramento, Republican or not.
Illegals taking taxis to emergency rooms to take advantage of free health care are pissing off hard working americans who often can't afford insurance themselves. Same goes for coming to America to have your baby and then whining because you don't want to be separated from your relative, the U.S. citizen. Having over 6 children when you are not able to take care of them is passe as well. Mix in a little birth control.
1 comment:
Ok, here's the issue I have with the Wall Street bail out;
The melt down is caused primarily due to the fall out from the mortgage crisis- many defaults, and no way to value the securities that are tied to the mortgages.
Earlier this year, Congress approved 4 billion to homeowners- Nit Wit in chief wouldn't approve more- the bail out was limited - if I remember correct- because the powers (and responsible mortgagees) don't want to reward people who were irresponsible or dishonest in borrowing money. Ok- that's sounds great- as a result we are spending- no wait- BORROWING 700 billion or so to bail out Wall Street (now there's a sympathetic and deserving population) for irresponsibly underwriting this debt--
All this stems from a "crisis of confidence" based on the lack of a meaningful evaluation. What would it have cost for a guaranty- say 95% of face value? of these mortgages by the government? wouldn't that have solved the confidence and valuation problem- and kept people (yes some bad ones) in their houses? The cost of the guaranty would be paid over a substantial period of time as the mortgages valuations were finally determined by payment, judicial process or sale. What would the cost have been? 100 Billion? 200 billion? who knows- but I do know it would be less than 700 billion; I know we would be supporting neighborhoods and homeowners...while also protecting Wall Street. Have we again demonstrated perverted loyalty and financial priorities by throwing good money into an unsupervised black hole that is begging to be gamed by the insiders? Can you say "No bid contract on steroids?"
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