You can't beat the old combination of sex and guns and cheap domestic beer to get a red blooded 'merican's ticker to beating. Hey Todd, lets go down to that there white house and bag us a few liberals...
JDF sent me this and I am pretty sure that the picture is on the level. (It came with several other family pics of her.) Latter day 2000 B.C. poster with a little mid life cellulite added.
As a populist, I like to think that her decorum and obvious probity will set a high standard for the nation to follow. ( I am old enough to remember Abbie Hoffman getting harassed for wearing a shirt with American flag iconography. Obviously if you are Buck Owens, Sarah Palin or any other right wing nut job, its perfectly acceptable.)
Fake photo - Donald was right - here is the original...damn!
Slow down Robert its faked keep your BP down
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