
Yellow headed blackbird

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Message from Hudson

Albrecht Durer - Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

September 17, 2008
1:43 P.M.

Dear Robert:

Writing to you, as you are a “landsman” (tr. Yiddish: “kindred soul”; “countryman”; “fellow member of the ‘shtetl’”).

I just did a quick, blurry-eyed “tote-up” this morning on the immediate high points of what unregulated “free market, low government regulation, two-fisted ‘entrepreneurship’ worship” has done to the national economy.



Bailout of Bear Stearns (shotgun marriage to JP Morgan Chase & Co) $ 29.1 billion

Bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac $ 400 billion (approximate; possibly more)
(De Facto Nationalization)

Failure to bail out Lehman Brothers;
Shotgun marriage of Merrill Lynch to
Bank of America Private sector ‘takes the hit,’ in contrast to
Bear Stearns, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

Bailout of AIG
(Government Purchase of 79.9% of
equity warrants for AIG stock) $85 billion (in a return to the pattern of Bear, Stearns,
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac)

Cost of 1 month (September) operations of wars $ 6.0 billion (ignoring supplemental funding bills)
in Afghanistan and Iraq
(1.5 billion per week = 6 billion per month =
72 billion per year)

DEBT ADDED ONLY IN MONTH OF SEPTEMBER $520.1 billion (put straight onto the taxpayers)


CRUDE “TOTE-UP” FOR JUST THE MONTH OF $ 520.1 billion for private-sector bailouts
OPERATIONS OF WARS IN AFGHANISTAN AND IRAQ $ 386.0 billion for 5 ½ years of wars in Afghanistan
and Iraq (again, ignoring supplemental funding bills)

AFGHANISTAN AND IRAQ $ 906.1 billion (again, put straight onto the taxpayers)

This, from the “cloth-coat” wearing, “small town values” party of “fiscal responsibility.”


(Referring to the request on Tuesday night by Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson
and Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke for Congressional
agreement for the government to bail-out/invest in AIG):

“Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., the Chairman of the
House Financial Services Committee, said [Treasury
Secretary] Paulson had not requested at Tuesday
night’s meeting, and did not appear to need, any new
legislative authority for the bailout.

“The Secretary and the Chairman of the Fed, two Bush
appointees, came down here and said, ‘ We’re from
the government, we’re [Congress is] here to help them,’ “
Frank said. “I mean, this is one more affirmation
that the lack of regulation has caused serious
problems. That the private market screwed itself up
and they need the government to come help them
unscrew it.”

The North County Times
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Page A-4, Column 1

(Consistent story ran in The Financial Times of London
of same date.)

Thought that you would like this. (But I also always knew that you were a cancerous subversive agent, Robert.)

As they would say out in the American “small town” heartland: “You sound like you must have some o’ them ‘Socialistical” values.”

Jewish, to boot.

“Have a nice day.”



Blue Heron said...

Is it just me or does this administration seem to be just standing around with its finger up its ass?

I realize that Bush has been told to keep his mouth shut until the election so that the"maverick" can get elected but my god, show some spine.

See what happens when the foxes guard the henhouse - when the whole thing goes to shit, you've got egg on your face and a lot of dead chickens.

I was just tickled when the Wall Street Journal yesterday prescribed the cure for our current conundrum - you guessed it, another big fat tax cut! It's mystery snake oil and it will cure anything - we promise we're not kidding this time - we won't jerk the football Charlie Brown - never you mind that we have no revenue left after our neocon partyboys latest escapade in the gulf.

I once read a great book by I think Larry Niven about a pissed off scientist avenging his wife's death who decides to do in the world. He invents a virus and decides to look for a great transmission medium and settles on money. And the people love it so much that they kill themselves grabbing it up even though they are pretty sure of the eventual outcome. Like giving a capitalist a tax cut even though they know that it will eventually bring down the whole fucking house.

Anonymous said...

Those big corporation already don't pay taxes or paid a very little amount of taxes. Not just the federal taxes, they got tax cut from the state, city...level - all in the name of "job creation". I guarantee you that the term "job lost" boogeyman was used as one of their leverages for bailout. Even profit companies, such as EXXON, currently receives huge tax cut from the Fed. That is really the truth face of the so called "free market competition" that was very successful hidden from the public by lot of lobbyist spending and lot of smoke and mirror from the so called "conservative" talk shows.