
Yellow headed blackbird

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Fallbrook Wine and a Bite - Mark your Calendar!

Leslie and I are part of the Wine and a Bite Art Walk Series put on by the Fallbrook Area Visitors Bureau. Our event is scheduled for September 20, 2008 at 5:00. We are coupled with food from Pala Casino and wine from some wineries from the Deportola Area of Temecula. Cost is twenty dollars for the food and drink along with access to three or four other locations and pairings. Tickets can be purchased at 760-451-3282.

I will be serving the food at the Blue Heron Gallery and Leslie the drink at Caravan. This event lasts about two hours and then we take the party private so come join us and have fun. I am trying to get a first class guitarist I have heard from San Diego but wont jinx it until I check with him.

I hope that you can make it. Let's head into fall on a happy note together. Our parties kick ass.


Anonymous said...

Robert what has happened to you? When your blog is most needed in this troubled time of economic uncertainty and political chaos you throw a wine and cheese party. What next? A puppet show? A night of classical books at the Library?

Blue Heron said...

Gee, I feel like Dylan at Newport after he went electric.
