
Yellow headed blackbird

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Egoist's Pride and Joy

Am I the only one to receive the unending emails and constant monologue about the Blue Heron Blast? In August, Robert visited us here in Santa Fe. Between mouthfuls, during pregnant pauses, at sunrise, sunset , morning, noon and night ; I could only wish that our local postal workers had the drive and persistence of Robert in cajoling me into his blog. His constantly pressing, desperate need for me to take time to do something I don't understand is confounding. Yet somehow, here I am starting a new post.

So, I must love the guy, or at least like him much-ly (which I do). We spend hours discussing art, silver, women, porn (or at least the spitting in porn). We eat well, used to drink well (before he decided to finally clean up his act so he can torture us for many more years into posting more on the Blue Heron Blast) and laugh as much as possible for two pretty rigid old hippie types.

Robert, you are a great experience in my life. I appreciate our friendship, I love you, I love Leslie and I hope that you will allow me to bow out of this circle jerk for a bit.



Blue Heron said...

Circle Jerk? Sorry, I'm doing the low carb thing...

Anonymous said...

I prefer to wank in private. Nothin' wrong with having sex with someone you love!