
Yellow headed blackbird

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Democracy Now?

old house, northern New Mexico © 2008 Robert Sommers

Well, I just hit the three hundredth blog milestone. Big Whoop. I'm thinking, people are probably getting a little tired of my rants, maybe it's time to shake things up? Melanie told me today that my blog was so depressing Xanex wouldn't help. Screw the blog, think of it as a communal online magazine - something that hasn't been done before, with smart people contributing from all points of the political, ethnic and other divergent spots on the human bandwidth. I would like to offer exalted writing status to several of you that are excellent writers and entertaining and to anyone really that wants to contribute. There are many features of this blog machine that I have frankly not even touched, due to laziness and incompetence, really. I would like to maybe not write as much but administrate. I hate bad spelling - so spellcheck is a must but I hope that you all will take me up on blowing this thing up. E-mail me if you wish to participate.

Shawn could be our correspondent from Thailand, he is always finding excellent material to post. Kerry and Stan are professional photographers, BigDave is the ex gadget editor for Wired Magazine, maybe he could do a tech column, Vlad Smythe is an ex Adman genius, Emily XYZ a noted brilliant performance artist (check her out on Youtube), we have other great writers on board. JDillon is the smartest, funniest writer I know although according to some, he has problems with human speech. There are many more of you. Please email me if you wish to become a contributor and turn this in to something truly special.

I only ask that you sign your posts so that you can take responsibility for your lunacy and keep it somewhat entertaining and not too mean or pornographic. I have strived to not use this blog to push my narrow commercial interest and hope that you will do the same. Charity is fine. Post music, articles, photos, rant, rave, write - let's see where it goes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you're playing with fire. Letting the nuts run this asylum sounds like a big mistake to me. I think the Blue Heron may need a makeover, a literary tummy-tuck if you will. I enjoy reading your rants, sharing them with my wife, then going off in the corner to look up all the words in the dictionary that I didn't know the meaning of. Hell, it's my daily excercise! No my friend, you have an obligation to spoon us the world as you see it. You are our Tony Robbins - minus the growth hormone disorder. You inspire, agitate and repulse us. You are the salve on our spiritual and intellectual stretch marks.
We stand by the Blue Heron - never under it (too gamey). I for one make this pledge - If you continue as the skipper of this ship of fools, I'll be your "Little Buddy". Now pull it back together, put on your game face and go raise some hell.
It's time to peel off those Pampers and party!