
Yellow headed blackbird

Friday, August 29, 2008

Sarah Palin

Well, I don't know what this means in regards to the hotly contested eskimo vote, but the Republican choice seems to me to be a hail mary fourth quarter move of desperation. At the risk of sounding really mean and misogynist, we're talking about staring down the russkies, not baking cookies for the glee club. Maybe this is a last minute move of desperation to woo the distaff set already embittered by Hillary's slide. Very good looking, obviously very fertile, but...

Barack Obama Campaign Spokesman Bill Burton responds to John McCain's choice of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate:

"Today, John McCain put the former mayor of a town of 9,000 with zero foreign policy experience a heartbeat away from the presidency. Governor Palin shares John McCain's commitment to overturning Roe v. Wade, the agenda of Big Oil and continuing George Bush's failed economic policies -- that's not the change we need, it's just more of the same."

Need I say, she is a lot hotter than Biden?


Anonymous said...

Game, Set and Match, Mr. McCain. Measure the drapes, baby, White House here we come.

In the only dicision John McCain has made as presumptive GOP choice, the result is a walk-off home run!

Energize the base? What base ain't gonna be energized? You got the hockey moms, Ititeroders, the entire GOP distaff and the horndog base.

Only one question remains....can Barack change is choice and get rid of Ole Man Senator (already rejected by his own party for president) before it's too late?

Anonymous said...

I guess he thinks this is a crafty move. When we went to Alaska you could get stoned (not that way, Robert!) for being a Democrat. No one believed the glaciers were melting faster due to global warming. More morons. Oh goody*

*--mark I use when being sarcastic.

Blue Heron said...

Mystery blogger assassin - my god man, you're GIDDY!

Thanks for the punctuation notes, Carrie.

No turn left unstoned...

The Editor

Anonymous said...

Turd not turn?

Can't stop myself.

emily xyz said...

Well, I watched her "acceptance" speech the other day and all I can say is, I think the democrats better pay attention. This lady is a conservative dream. She is VERY well-spoken and very attractive, on the surface (which is all the red-staters care about anyway). They will aggressively support her & turn out for her. I hope Obama, Biden & Co pull no punches w/ regard to this one. Just being wrong on everything & inexperienced never prevented anyone from becoming president, much less VP! -- if the last 8 years have sown us anything for sure, it's that.

Blue Heron said...

Great to hear from you, EM. I always think of Ken Kesey's maxim, never forget that there are always more stupid people around in any given situation than smart people. I think that the secular/religious split has become so large that if Hitler was running on a pro life plank he would get voted in. And vice versa. This was quite the meltdown weekend for her and I look forward to see what shakes out now that Palin is finally getting vetted.