You know it's hard to get around the messianic air that surrounds the democratic candidate Obama as he returns from a triumphant march through Europe. The vibe and anticipation on the continent hasn't been this strong since Hannibal was sighted shushing over the Alps. "The One" addresses the adoring host at Brandenburg Gate while his poor opponent eats Schnitzel at a Hofbrau House in Ohio. The juxtaposition is just too priceless.
However, all this giddiness scares the crap out of me. This thing is going to tighten up like a ratchet and victory could easily elude the Democrats. For one thing, the Republicans are far better at dirty politics and using fear to cow the populace. But as usual, I digress.
I never trust anyone who hasn't fallen on their ass a couple times in his or her life. We have all seen those lucky few, wet behind the ears, who have gotten lucky and think that they will have an eternal glide toward the end of the rainbow. We usually end up despising them. Obama bears no visible scars or dents. How will he react to the certain adversity that is sure to befall a president and country in these trying times? Remember how high both Bushies poll numbers were after their initial desert invasions? Low 80's, phenomenal. When the air goes out of the balloon, as it certainly will, you have to roll your sleeves up and work.
I think that his policy judgement lately has been ok, although I count myself as one who feels that he totally caved on FISA. I hope that he can be more specific about his thoughts on the needed direction of the country and that we can get past this JFK heartthrob cult of personality miasma which so many are apparently being affected.
Fair and Balanced News? Fox News [should be Faux News] made a big deal about Obama gave his speech in Berlin from the same podium that Hitler used.
I on the other hand relish the 'Second Coming' valedictorious action and would like to see it ramped up. Eschewing, say, a trivial existing monument like Rushmore, this is a call for a 'Hope' etching into the sky, right into the atoms themselves, and one that lights up even in the hours of sunlight, calling forth the teeming masses yearning to be Baracked. Put Steve Jobs AND Richard Branson on it now, before the Coronation so it can be in our hearts and minds and already into history, now and forever, Amen. (Maybe a sidebar for Michelle and the kids while their at it. But you know viewing will only be available through AT&T approved eyewear).
Mystery Blogger Assassin, I sense your singularly aromatic persona beneath your veiled hidden identity. Yes, Yes, your vision is brilliant, right down to the bourgeois commercial tie-ins. Dolphins could jump out of the water on either side of him, doing perfect synchronized swanees, while the camera alertly focuses on the can of coca cola in his grace's hallowed palm...
You mean Vitamin Water...
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