A communist sympathizer whose body language showed remarkable similarity to mad suicide bombers in Baghdad, launched himself in a bold move of desperation at Robert Novak's black corvette yesterday. Thankfully the erstwhile columnist was not hurt by the brazen and wanton display of cowardice by the 66 year old homeless man. The attack occurred in our nation's capitol.
Although Novak feigned complete surprise and a lack of any knowledge of the incident, eyewitness reports say the man was splayed akimbo across the top of the convertible's hood and carried a fair distance. Novak was later stopped and cited. And as fast as you can say yellow cake to Niger, our valiant scribe can now continue his fight against all those dastardly enemies of freedom and the forces of evil.
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admirable brevity.
Unfortunately, Robert Novack has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. I don't know if it could be responsible for this incident but I do wish him a speedy recovery. Although his politics are anathema to my own, he has been an excellent columnist for many years and was once a m.o.t. (not that that matters)
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